Using tarot to contact spirits


... Ouija boards, in my experience, aren't the most common form of spirit communication...and it seems cards are or have become a popular form to communicate with.

Shame about the pop culture. Interesting that cards are more in use than thought.

Mediumship to me is talking to your sitter's granny/sister/daughter/hubby.
Not scary, no summoning, no ectoplasm, no drama lol... just providing evidence of survival after physical death, and reuniting families. Such a lot of different views on here, it's very interesting :)

Without drama is preferred. :joke: But to each his own and all that jazz :)


l have never used tarot to contact those who have departed from this life or guides, so the following was quite an emotional and humbling experience.
Sitting quietly with my tarot l had the feeling that it would be so nice and reassuring to have a message from my long departed mum and dad. l know they have always been around me as l get the scent of roses very strongly when there is a life issue that worries me.
So l shuffled my cards and asked if they had a message for me and l drew 3 cards - Ace of Cups, the Empress and the Emperor, it was so amazing l stared at the cards for ages taking it all in. l use the Roots of Asia and there is a wealth of spiritual detail in each card. It would take forever to relay here the message l received, but wanted to share this wonderful and amazing experience with you :)

Yes, that is amazing! I'm so glad you shared that with us.

I enjoyed being a part of the "Tarot for Ancestor Work" thread. I don't have
mediumistic abilities, so tarot cards are the key that opens that particular
door for me. I like using the Ghost Tarot for making contact.


Thoughtful that was lovely! You couldn't have got a clearer message xx very nice.


l will never ever forget it and like you say it could not have been more clear especially with the cards that came up.
l'm still in awe about it :)


Not everyone wants to use tarot to contact spirits , but it can be done . Sometimes it just happens spontaneously as you develop over time . You will not always be able to contact a certain person - like anyone else they may be busy with other things , not in the mood to communicate , or not know how to participate .

Using spiritual protection is very important to make sure you are not allowing in anything that you don't want , or entities pretending to be the person you are seeking .

If you have a badly haunted house , doing tarot or other spiritual activities within it might make things worse . So in that case you can choose an alternate location .

It may be easier to structure the reading to ask your own spirit guides about the deceased person rather than dealing with the person directly . And in the event you can't seem to contact them one to one .

Don't forget to release the energies and psychically close yourself down afterward . The source of a lot of weird phenomena is mediumistic people who either don't know how or don't bother to do it . Do some investigating on how to clear your space in case you attract curious spirits who want to hang around .