lost a card - what to do?


I also did a location reading with my Lenormand deck. Ok, let's be honest - I did two.
So the first one showed that it's in a health-care facility (um, no, I don't go to the doctor) OR in a garden, bush, tree, plant area. I -do- have a garden, will have to check there in the morning then.

The second reading said nearby area. Well the only nearby bushy area IS my garden... I have a few plants in the kitchen as well. Will keep you posted!

hmm, it might be helpful to look closer at your lenormand readings, and expand on the possibilites.

health-care facility could also be a pharmacy, or somewhere near your medicine cabinet, do you have vitamins or medicine on your nightstand? it could mean the gym, the house of your friend who knows about herbal healing, or anyone you know who works in the health-care industry.

the garden: house plants as you mentioned, your tea cabinet, dried flowers or wreaths, floral or leaf-patterned cloth (maybe curtains?), music inspired by the outdoors, perhaps sheet music for your organ? perfumes or essential oils of distilled flowers or leaves, any kind of nature imagery on your walls, your spice rack....

just a couple of ideas. :)
the other thing you could do is contact US games - i know you have the older edition, but if they can provide you with a new card and it fits in well enough, that's better than nothing.
good luck!


Oh, I hope you find your card!

When I lose something and I KNOW it *should* be right here, I stop what I'm doing and ask loudly, "Please help me find {my card}!" Usually I immediately get a feeling that I should look in a certain place and there it is! (Even though I just looked there six times before asking. *sigh*)

Occasionally this doesn't work, so I go back to looking again, then ask again, "This isn't funny! I want {my card} back! PLEASE let me have it!" And I'll find it. Rarely do I have to pull out Full-Out-Mama: "Give. Me. {My. Card.} Now!" But when I do, it works. Quickly.


Unpopular but uplifting advice

I'm so sorry to hear about your lost card!

What I'm about to say is not common to hear, but it could be of some comfort to you.

Grow to accept the deck as it is right now. Use it just as you normally would.

I suppose I'm a bit of an unconventional reader, but I have a number of incomplete decks that read just fine without one or more cards.
I don't know to what exactly I can attribute my ease of reading with incomplete decks, but I do read Majors only alllll the time. I also acquired and learned a lot from the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn early in my tarot journey, so that may be a reason that I am open to "tarots" of unconventional card contents.

If you find the 5 of Swords card at a later time, it will be all the more a happy surprise! :D But there is no need to fret about the deck itself. Look as much as you can, and then don't sweat it. It is still your deck and it is still very special :)


Oh happy days! I found my card after relentlessly looking for it since July.

But the better story is HOW I found it. I thought tonight, why don't I use some divination method. So I took my pendulum out of my altar box, drew a map of my apartment and the pendulum really started to go crazy on one spot in my office. I went to my office and saw that there was just an old box with stuff from my old job. I thought - okay, I'll give it a try. And the card was there, stuck in a pamphlet!

Feels -so- good to be reunited with my Sacred Rose again!


What an awesome story! I'm glad you found it.


Thank you, Linda! Well, you also use the Sacred Rose, so you must know how overwhelmingly happy I am right now :)