~ Book: Tarot and the Journey of the Hero

6 Haunted Days

In my first outing in 3 weeks (perfect cool windy fall day, felt glorious, like I was rejoining the human race!) I came across this book in a used bookstore for $5, but it appears unread and new to me.

So far it is very fascinating and absorbing, this is exactly the in-depth, well-written and magical book on the Trumps I have been looking for.

Anyone else have this book? Any opinions on it?'

Miss 6


A "must have" tarot book

This is probably the best introductory book on the major arcana (that I know of). It is able to give a much clearer picture in a page or two on each card than many books can give in 20 pages per card.

It might be the only "must have" book on tarot that I know about.

6 Haunted Days

Well it looks like it was my lucky day when I happened across it! :) I am really enjoying it so far.....he really knows his stuff!