Also...who wrote that book [Tarot Tells A Tale]?


Forgot to ask who wrote "Tarot Tells A Tale"


James Ricklef, Llewellyn publisher


That's Tarot Tells THE Tale - here are two reviews on AT, one by Solandia, the other by Bonnie Cehovat:Not sure if there's also a different book by the nearly similar title.


Here's my review...

Ricklef wrote it.

It's brilliant.

Buy it.

Many folks would say it's about the Three Card spread, and its versitility. However what it's really about - is putting the story told by three cards - into contextual form.

It's one of the only books about reading Tarot.


and did I remember to say it's hilarious?

tmgrl2 it! Then have fun with it as well.

I did my own reading of the three card draws, wrote them down, then read the author's take on the cards. What a learning experience and such fun!



Excellent book. Although I didn't always see his reasoning with certain spreads and felt a little like he was bending the meanings to fit the particular character, I found the book to be a very clever read. It really elevated the power of a three card spread in my mind.