Occult book recs? General book to help understand tarot...


I also like the idea of tarot tells the tale...it sounds fun and I plan on ordering that.
Good choice for the story-telling quality you said you prefer. For symbolism try a good symbol dictionary like The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols (among others), or for specific Rider-Waite-Smith Major Arcana symbolism, the Paul Foster Case's The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, or Rachel Pollack's 78 Degrees of Wisdom.


I have 78 degrees but there's so MUCH there I feel like I don't retain any of it. I love it and refer to it constantly, but already the preludes in ch 1 of Tarot Tells the Tale has given me a new way to look at the numbers. Thinking about what numbers mean in general does not come naturally to me!


I have 78 degrees but there's so MUCH there I feel like I don't retain any of it. I love it and refer to it constantly, but already the preludes in ch 1 of Tarot Tells the Tale has given me a new way to look at the numbers. Thinking about what numbers mean in general does not come naturally to me!

Don't worry, it comes with the time. When I started, it was hard for me too. I have problems with them still but I don't stress that much, they just click when they're needed ;)