What sort of exercise can I take up?


Could it be that you are resisting the process to find a new sport? I mean, could it indicate that deep down, you resist about the idea to exercise, for some reasons?

And if so ... resistance classes would be the go. Weights again ... <grin>


Tower Reversed & Yoga Inversion

Well, as a Yoga teacher and Ayurvedic Counselor, I have to say TOWER rx means INVERSIONS };>
I.e. poses that get your feet higher than your head or at least on the same level as your head. Bridge, plow, headstand, legs-up-the-wall, shoulderstand, etc. Inversions are great for reducing stress and helpful to prevent headaches.

But really, also I have to say this is NOT a Tarot question };>

Here are the questions to ask yourself:
What are your exercise goals? Weight management? Strength? Flexibility? Self Defense?
What is your budget?
What is your body type?
Past injuries? Areas of weakness?
Do you like to be alone or in a class?
Are you naturally competitive?
Do you also want a social & creative outlet? or pure exercise?
Are you more comfortable in your home?
Or do you prefer to go a gym or studio?
Do you want to be outside? Or is indoors ok?
Are you self-motivated? Or do you need a team / class / group / coach?

These questions will help determine the best fitness routine to make you happy. Just trying something on a whim from a tarot card might be fun ... but getting clear about your body type, your budget, your personality, and your goals will help you pick the RIGHT exercise you can really stay with and benefit from. Also help you avoid harming yourself from taking-up an activity that is wrong for you.

Good luck in your new programme whatever it turns-out to be.


Thanks NatKat,

Very interesting take, I had never even heard of inversions before.

It was a question in a spread out of a book I'm going through at the moment, which I have to say, is extremely good. The spreads are excellent ways of looking at different aspects of your life and it's great for helping to learn more about the cards.

I don't quite know what you mean by this question is not a Tarot question. This specific question has given me a lot of different things to think about, which prompts me to take action with regards to exercise, so I think it is a good question as it has prompted me to think about exercise generally. :)

I understand and appreciate your more comprehensive questions, which are far better to pinpoint exactly what sort of exercise programme to undertake. Truth be told, I would never have even considered any exercise if I hadn't come across the spread that prompted this question. Truth be told also, I really don't need to consult the Tarot to answer any of the questions you've outlined, as I know the answers to them anyway. But nevertheless, I'll have a go to see what comes up, as a learning exercise.

Thanks again for your input.

Well, as a Yoga teacher and Ayurvedic Counselor, I have to say TOWER rx means INVERSIONS };>
I.e. poses that get your feet higher than your head or at least on the same level as your head. Bridge, plow, headstand, legs-up-the-wall, shoulderstand, etc. Inversions are great for reducing stress and helpful to prevent headaches.

But really, also I have to say this is NOT a Tarot question };>

Here are the questions to ask yourself:
What are your exercise goals? Weight management? Strength? Flexibility? Self Defense?
What is your budget?
What is your body type?
Past injuries? Areas of weakness?
Do you like to be alone or in a class?
Are you naturally competitive?
Do you also want a social & creative outlet? or pure exercise?
Are you more comfortable in your home?
Or do you prefer to go a gym or studio?
Do you want to be outside? Or is indoors ok?
Are you self-motivated? Or do you need a team / class / group / coach?

These questions will help determine the best fitness routine to make you happy. Just trying something on a whim from a tarot card might be fun ... but getting clear about your body type, your budget, your personality, and your goals will help you pick the RIGHT exercise you can really stay with and benefit from. Also help you avoid harming yourself from taking-up an activity that is wrong for you.

Good luck in your new programme whatever it turns-out to be.


Thanks NatKat,

Very interesting take, I had never even heard of inversions before.

It was a question in a spread out of a book I'm going through at the moment, which I have to say, is extremely good. The spreads are excellent ways of looking at different aspects of your life and it's great for helping to learn more about the cards.

I don't quite know what you mean by this question is not a Tarot question ...
Thanks again for your input.

LOL, context is everything. I totally understand doing it as a tarot learning exercise ... in fact *I* learned something from it! So thank you for posting };>

But also I have seen ppl either hurt themselves or have bad results or no results from doing exercise which is wrong for them and NOT asking themselves simple honest common-sense questions. CLassic is the fat person who takes-up some vigorous exercise too fast too soon, hurts themself, and then ends-up fatter than before b/c now they have an injury ... I can just see it now ... a tarot card told me to do jogging never mind I am 100 lbs overwieght with a bad ankle!

That is all I meant ... tarot is NOT a substitute for common sense and realistic self-assessment. But I see your situation is totally different so please forgive I didn't understand it was a tarot learning thing. And try some inversions! Easy ones like legs up the wall if you never did yoga before. You can't hurt yourself on that and it has nice benefits };>


Thanks NatKat, I understand where you're coming from and totally agree with your post.

Your post made sense and got me thinking, as well as Nisaba's post regarding doing some weight bearing exercise. I'm at the age where everything's going downhill at a rapid rate, and the older I get the lazier I get, so I've found the posts from this thread extremely helpful to me on a personal level, as well as helping me learn from the card itself.

I had a look on the internet at some inversions, though noticed they seem to run on from other poses (I thought I'd try the plow inversion, for example). I think I'll need to do a bit more research and find a good book, rather than just jump in wily nily.

Thanks again for your helpful post. :)

LOL, context is everything. I totally understand doing it as a tarot learning exercise ... in fact *I* learned something from it! So thank you for posting };>

But also I have seen ppl either hurt themselves or have bad results or no results from doing exercise which is wrong for them and NOT asking themselves simple honest common-sense questions. CLassic is the fat person who takes-up some vigorous exercise too fast too soon, hurts themself, and then ends-up fatter than before b/c now they have an injury ... I can just see it now ... a tarot card told me to do jogging never mind I am 100 lbs overwieght with a bad ankle!

That is all I meant ... tarot is NOT a substitute for common sense and realistic self-assessment. But I see your situation is totally different so please forgive I didn't understand it was a tarot learning thing. And try some inversions! Easy ones like legs up the wall if you never did yoga before. You can't hurt yourself on that and it has nice benefits };>