Next Step Spread


In the back of Akron & Hajo Banzhaf's book on Crowley's Thoth Tarot Deck are some sample spreads and one of them is a four position spread called: The Next Step Spread.

Does anyone know this spread? I cannot remember it, but I do know that I enjoyed using it. Thank you for your time.


The Next Step Spread

Hi I know it and i hope that it will help you ...


Card 1.The card in position 1 represents the present situation; how the asker perceives it.

Card 2. The card in position 2 does not matter yet. This card should not be the present goal or the present worry. Put it out of your mind for the time being.

Card 3. This is the important card of the spread. This card represents the action that should be taken. I have found it can reveal information about the situation that you may have previously overlooked.

Card 4. The fourth card in the spread represents the outcome of the situation if the action suggested by card 3 is taken. Once you notice this result, it is time to redo the spread if you would like the tarot to guide you through the next step as well.


Even though this is a simple spread, it can be quite effective when you are feeling indecisive or want to carefully navigate your way through a sticky situation. This tarot card spread typically focuses on the short-term answer to a question like, “What is my next step”? The result of this spread is something that needs to be acted upon within a very short period


Thx HexeH!

Yes, that's the spread I was looking for. Altho I don't quite remember position #2 having such a small purpose in the spread, I do know that #4 begins the game all over again...once realized, that is! Thx, again.

Rusty Woehrle

Where in the spread do you read card #2?


I usually read card #2 after reading card #1. :) I see it as something you shouldn't worry about at this moment concerning the problem/situation you've asked about.