The Void


I came up with this spread as a tool for those working with addiction and substance abuse issues, as I have done in the past and continue to today.

Allen Carr said something about cigarettes a few years ago that changed my life: "Cigarettes do not fill the void. They create it."

The void can pertain to the emptiness created and fueled by any addictive substance or action. And in my opinion, all addictions are maintained by consistent attempts to fill a self-perpetuating void. I think recovery lies in dismantling the void itself.

Anyway I hope this spread helps.


[1] What created the void.
[2] How I mistakenly tried to fill the void in the past.
[3] How I beneficially addressed the void in the past.
[4] How I'm mistakenly trying to fill the void now.
[5] How I'm beneficially addressing the void now.
[6] A step I can take to dismantle the void.
[7] How I am already enough.

The cards are meant to be laid out in a more-or-less circular shape (a void), with card 7 in the middle representing the self.


I just wanted to say that I really like this. The card position descriptions are thought-provoking in themselves.


I just wanted to say that I really like this. The card position descriptions are thought-provoking in themselves.

Thank you for saying so!

The idea for position number 7 ("How I am already enough") came after I thought I was finished with this spread. I was surprised at the depth it adds.


Thank you for saying so!

The idea for position number 7 ("How I am already enough") came after I thought I was finished with this spread. I was surprised at the depth it adds.

I agree. I'm admittedly a sap, but that really struck a chord with me. I think it's an excellent spread for any type of void-filling and/or self-destructive behavior.