The Current State of the Lenormand Community


Sadly what she describes is not limited to FB or closed groups.

and I heartily agree when you say
I don't know why people don't just get themselves a notebook, a reputable source and then log off and learn. Learn in a vacuum. You don't have to do anyone's "pairing" exercises over breakfast. I read the other day someone commenting on Rana's book - informative, thorough, detailed, readable - that it was considered "overwhelming". Do people not have any concentration span any more?

Le Fanu

But I do think a number of the battles have been on facebook... Maybe what I mean is the urge to learn Lenormand on facebook. I never did that. Facebook for me is for inanities and cat videos.


Interesting points, Le Fanu

While the internet can make sharing EVERYTHING in nanoseconds sometimes convenient, it doesn't always make things better or clearer. Sometimes less is more.

I like what you said about the "vacuum". In the end, it is the cards and, well, us. We can't please everyone with how we read or read following 20 different sets of rules, so we might as well just decide for ourselves what works for us.

I did look at what I considered enough information to see various styles, decided what I felt comfortable with and what resonated and went from there. I think actually doing is much more important than constantly talking about it all.

If one reads enough, one finds out how accurate or clear one's own style is.

Before there was the internet, there were Lenormand and tarot readers and if the internet went away tomorrow, there would still be readers.


I think actually doing is much more important than constantly talking about it all.
My thoughts exactly! I don't mind people talking about it, but I would much rather listen to people talking about what they like about the way they read, rather than listening to them talk about what they don't like about the way others read.

I just know that for myself, my time is much better spent on reading the cards than on going online to criticize how others read the cards.

And for those folks of an evangelistic nature, I say: Convince me! But positive evangelism ("look how enjoyable/accurate my reading style is, and here's why...") will be a lot more convincing than negative evangelism ("you're doing it wrong!").


Well, what's the big deal?

I have exactly 2 Lenormand decks and I haven't started learning to read with them yet, partly because I haven't had time to start since I just got the decks, but also because I can't find where the "traditional" way of learning actually is?

This "war" as it's been labeled in the article sounds exactly like the two methods of reading Tarot people have discussed here on this forum for as long as I've been a member. Some read based on the Tarot structure, some read intuitively only. I read having used the structure of Tarot as a springboard for my intuition. So, I use both, the structure and the intuition. That's the method of reading that's right for me.

Why Lenormand people are having a "war" is beyond me. But it just seems like the same difference of reading that people who read tarot have. Am I completely missing the point?


Why Lenormand people are having a "war" is beyond me. But it just seems like the same difference of reading that people who read tarot have. Am I completely missing the point?
No, I think you've got it exactly right. My guess is that the more extreme members of both "sides" like to be at odds with each other, but meanwhile most readers are somewhere in the middle and don't see it as an either/or situation.


Ok, so it's just a case of extremes clashing amongst themselves...I couldn't figure out which "Lenormand Community" was having the "war".

ana luisa

I agree with Chanah but wonder where this entitlement is coming from. Is it ego boosting ? Is it to help the lost sheep get back to its right path ? What interests are at stake ? Read and let read. What makes you a better reader is not the HOW but the WHAT. I can appreciate AC/DC as well as Beethoven. Should I teach them how to make their music ???
And here's to Chanah if she's reading this thread: don't worry. Wars come and go. Lennie will go on regardless as long as our love for it does too.


I agree with Chanah but wonder where this entitlement is coming from. Is it ego boosting ? Is it to help the lost sheep get back to its right path ? What interests are at stake ? Read and let read. What makes you a better reader is not the HOW but the WHAT. I can appreciate AC/DC as well as Beethoven. Should I teach them how to make their music ???
And here's to Chanah if she's reading this thread: don't worry. Wars come and go. Lennie will go on regardless as long as our love for it does too.

well said


I see the infighting all the time! Even here on AT and all across the net, there is two groups, the classicalists and the modernists. People try to shut down the other group of people all the time. It's very difficult to post Lenormand discussion of interpretation of the cards or combinations without someone stating absolute opinions and then getting personal.

I am not sure why this happens, is there not room for both? Look at Tarot, in AT people find their own method and have their own interpretations! When I first learnt Tarot in my teens there was pressure to conform to one way (cards meant *this*, always use the celtic cross, etc). But now there is a flexibility and a liberation to find your own way, even if it is totally unconventional. There is no fighting, "your method is wrong" simply does not happen often. In discussions, on AT and outside of AT there is a agree to disagree mentality, but listen to the other ideas. But not in Lenormand.

I think for some reason with the Lenormand "system" there is a pressure that there is "one way", but I see it always as experimentation and people finding their own method. But the author's blog post is totally on the ball and she is brave!