Choices Spread

Soaring Eagle

I have recently had requests to have readings for deciding between two choices. I created this spread to help see the situation more clearly.


1. The querent

Cards 2-4 are choice #1
2. Positive of making choice #1
3. Negative of making choice #1
4. Outcome of making choice #1

Cards 5-7 are choice #2
5. Positive of making choice #2
6. Negative of making choice #2
7. Outcome of making choice #2

It has helped the querent see the situation more clearly, then they can make their own decision of which choice is better for them after the reading.


Thank you for this- it's really what I need at the moment!


Great spread Soaring Eagle, Simple but explains everything you want to know when making a decision, thanx for sharing, it will be going in my spread journal :)

Soaring Eagle

Thank you Redstar and Janie144. :) I didn't have time to look for a spread for these readings, and didn't feel the ones I had would work too well. This is a very simple spread, and gives you a basic overview of the situation. I'm glad you like it.