Elemental Yes And No


Thanks Lady blackRose!

I will bear what you have said in mind, makes sense to me.

Thanks again,
Love *& Light, Janey xx


LadyBlackRose....could you be more specific about the number of cards involved? When you say "two air" does that mean, for example, 2 of Swords? OR do you mean, you need to pull two cards for that position? How about if you give an example of what a reading may look like with this spread to demonstrate? And what happens if you get all majors?

Thanks; I'm very interested to see how this works.




If you got 2 elemental yes( air or fire)in position 2, 3,4 then your answer is yes., 2 out of 3 cards is what she means! If you got ( water or earth) for 2 of these cards , then the answer is no.

If all major arcana then that would be No, Hope this helps,
Love *& Light, Janey xx


Quick question

I did this when I was asking about a reunion with my ex. I got 2 earth cards, which means no, but then what about the other card I pulled the Fool. Should I read it as no unless I overcome the obstacle that the Fool card represents?

Al Si'ra

I've tried every known and not so known method for yes and no questions and none of them really worked esp. those with reversals..I find the reversals thing very mathematical..So i don't use them.
But this spread looks wonderful..I've tried it today..Today i was going to meet a girlfriend so i asked if we would be able to meet..

The Answer:
The situation: 3 of pents (meeting coming together-makes sense)
2: Queen of Swords
4:7 of Wands
Advice: Chariot

So the answer was yes being one card fire the other air..and the advice card was really to the point since i was a bit late lol...I should have been on the way to her..but i wasn't :) hopefully she was stuck in traffic too..Also Queen of Swords and 7 of wands kinda indicated small problems and me being angry a bit at her for being late..So i interpreted the cards as well

Another question: I asked if i would be able to talk with an ex ever again.

The situation:8 of pentacles (completing a task that was started before-trying to make sth work-go on)
2:3 of cups
3:3 of swords
4:Knight of Swords
Advice: Knight of Pentacles

I had 2 air so it is again a yes..but i wonder if i should interpret the cards in positions 2-3-4?So could you as well clarify that..
3 of Swords and Knight of Swords strangely refer to "talking-communication" so they kinda have meaning too..?

Anyway wonderful spread..
Thanx :angel:



Hi folks

The Tarot Spreads guidelines indicate that there should be no readings in this forum. The only layout of cards permitted is by the initial poster as an example of the spread, but even then there should be no in depth interpretation.

As this is an unusual spread and seems to be better understood by actually laying out the cards, I will leave Al Si'ra's post in situ to help others. Please note though, that discussing the reading should only be in the context of understanding the spread, and not to interpret the reading for Al Si'ra.

Tarot Spreads moderator

Al Si'ra

Oops sorry :)!!I meant to ask if we interpret the cards or not 'cause they seem relevant to the issue..


No problem Al Si'ra, if you want help with the interpretation you could post it in Your Readings, but I think as an example of how to read the spread it's fine.

niki frm india

i was wondering that what if we get one fire and one air on 2 3 positions... what will that mean... a yes or a no?


Hello, I've noticed some of you have asked about the cards giving out one of each, like getting a major and having a water and a fire or an air and an earth with a major. I just got PM'd about that and I so here is what my response was:

GoddessArtemis said:
In your Elemental spread...what if one card for 2, 3, or 4 is a major? And 2, is maybe air, and 3 is earth? is that a yes or not?



I didn't create this spread. I found it on the internet a long time ago on a site that isn't around anymore.

But to answer your question, lol, sorry. the major is taken as an advice to your obstacle or situation. As for having one of each element, the air and the earth, I would read the meanings of the cards and if your intuition says deep in your heart thats how it really feels then its probably a yes. It could mean a maybe. I've had that happen to me before. If the cards tells of something you feel isn't a yes then its most likely a no.

I hope that that helps you. I'm sorry if my explination sounds crazy. It's just that I'm very good with intuition and feelings from the cards that I can connect to them in that kind of way.

Blessed Be,

Thank GoddessArtemis for asking this question and thank you to the rest of you.