crystal ally card study group: Tourmaline


Tourmaline/Inner Peace

Image: a beautiful pink and green tourmaline temple radiates peace.

This person is having trouble making decisions. She may be acting based on emotional habits from the past. Her creativity might be blocked. She may have trouble acting and living in the now. On the emotional level, there may be a lot of drama or stress. There may also be painful memories from the past that are coming up at this time. This is causing spiritual imbalances. It is difficult to feel centered.

Pink and Green Tourmaline will help her to tune into her “high heart”. It will be easier for her to stop thinking about the past or the future. This will help her to act in a more deliberate way and to be very diplomatic with other people. Emotionally, she will feel some distance from things that are worrying her. It will be easier for her to maintain her emotional equilibrium. Spiritually, she will be able to tune into nature and use this sensitivity to heal herself and others. It will be easier for her to meditate. She will be able to feel more spiritual joy in her daily life.

If this is a health issue, there may be concerns about the heart, hormones, or stress and nervous system.