The Egyptian Five Bodies Spread

Quantum James

The Egyptian Five Bodies Spread

spread diagram:


This spread comes out of my interest in Kemetic (Egyptian) magic and spirituality, and is influenced by the elegant form of Malencholic’s Simple Cross spread – although it is structurally quite different, it does borrow a few ideas from that.

Most importantly, it is inspired by The Fifth Way, which a Kemetic magico-spiritual system transmitted by Robert Masters. However, it should be accessible to anyone regardless of interest in Egyptian cosmology – it uses some specialised terms, but these are explained and are for the most part commonly accepted concepts (to most tarot readers anyway).

The spread uses elemental dignities, so if you are not familiar with that system its probably best if you familiarise yourself with it first. It works well with Egyptian themed decks of course!

The spread itself is a diagnostic tool for working with the “five bodies” and creates a divinatory model for the querents total reality as an integrated whole. The idea is that by using the wisdom divined one can fine tune and act remedially - physically, mentally, emotionally and magically to gain full integration and personal power. It also reflects the influence of benevolent and malevolent forces in the spiritual architecture of the querent.

I must add that I am not connected to Masters or his school other than enjoying his ideas and book…

The Five Bodies:

As mentioned, the Five Bodies spread is based on the work of Robert Masters, which he refers to has the Fifth Way. The Fifth Way is introduced in his book The Goddess Sekhmet: Psycho-spiritual Exercises of the Fifth Way – and describes an Egyptian psycho-spiritual model for working with the energetic structure of the entire human, ranging from the most subtle spiritual body to the most gross physical body – this structure is described as:

AUFU – Physical body
KA – The Mental body, which is the Double
HAIDIT – The Shadow, or unconscious and collective unconscious.
KHU – The Magical body, the magical will/ability of the individual
SAHU – The Highest Spiritual Body, which is awakened or activated by the balanced integration of all the previous four bodies.

The Fifth Way strives to fully awaken, integrate and individuate all 5 bodies.

The spread reflects the current state of integration and balance of the five bodies as well those spheres in which the bodies operate and influence. The spread also reflects the extent to which the forces of Cosmos and Chaos are operant in the individual’s world and the influence this has on the integration of the querent’s five bodies.

In addition to the five bodies Masters identifies two Soul aspects of the whole being:

BA – The immortal Soul, which can be described as the Higher Self.
SOKHIM – The mortal Soul, which is born and dies with the body and acts as “foundation of consciousness”, linking body and mind. It contains the personal “blueprint” or personal myth of the individual for THIS life.

Masters’ full treatment of the Five Bodies is put forth here on his website reading through each of the five bodies’ description will give the reader greater insight into its application. I recommend his book too – although most of the information regarding the five bodies is contained on the website, so its not required to use the spread.

Cosmos and Chaos:

Our reality arises out of the interaction of these two primal principles - each ultimately seeking the other’s transformation to its own state, as Master’s explains:

“According to this Way there are two primordial, co-existing, interactive and absolutely antagonistic realities: Cosmos (the Powers and Principalities of Order) and Chaos (the Disordered Powers and Principalities).
The essentially irrepresentable Powers are functionally represented by Neters, or beings experienced by humans as Gods and Goddesses, angels and demons, and others known to religion and mythology. These Powers, in their Principalities, and for us, are hierarchical and, in our terms, good or evil. They are locked in a thus far perpetual struggle, each seeking the other's transformation. They are indestructible, but subject to such transformation, so that a final resolution would be the transforming of Chaos into Cosmos, or that of Cosmos into Chaos. Out of this conflict, sometimes called The War in Heaven, have arisen "intermediate" realities including the human.” (Masters 2002:3)

These two Principles are reflected in positions 1 and 9 in the spread. Position 1 is always WELL dignified, no matter which card it is – this card represents the tools or forces which fully aid awakening. Position 9 is always ILL diginified, or reversed – which is reflected in the way its placed too, by placing the card horizontally in a blocking position at the bottom of the spread (see diagram).

The Layout:


My full colour spread diagram with elemental positions, terms and labels can be found here


This position describes the influence of the cosmic forces of order and harmony - the UrGods, spirit and angels. This card represents this influence in the querents life at this moment, and is always well dignified. No matter which card it is, the card is read and understood in its most positive or spiritual light. These are archetypal forces and energies most healthy and ideal for the transformation and empowerment of the querent – who should seek alignment with the energies and events the card represents.

2. BA – The immortal Soul/ Higher Self

This is the guidance from the Higher Self, it is in dialogue with the Cosmos card and is read elementally dignified to the Cosmos card. It in turn elementally modifies the SAHU card. The SAHU and BA continually work together to bring awakening of the five bodies.

The BA card presents the BIG view of the situation for an individual, and also describes the relationship between the Cosmos (position 1) and the querent. If there is a blockage or warning here it is a message from the BA revealing how one can correct and enhance our alignment with Divine principle. It is NOT describing the BA itself, which is transcendent and not subject to modification in any sense we can comprehend – it is a message from the BA regarding the totality of the human being in question - from the highest perspective.

3.KHU – The magical body

This position describes the magical climate, health and development of the querent’s magical identity, or magical will, as well as the magical-energetic forces that the KHU is learning to negotiate and develop within its matrix. It directly or indirectly alludes to any magical action or energy work that might be taken to further awakening and integration of the bodies, if the querent or reader has the skill to do so.

The KHU position has an elemental base of FIRE – the card placed here is read elementally dignified to fire.

4.HAIDIT – The Shadow

The position describes any unconscious (collective, personal or transpersonal) material or psychological “stuff” that is ready for integration. This card’s interpretation reveals the way in which that which unconscious can be made conscious and integrated with the KA, KHU and AUFU, which in turn leads to total awakening of SAHU. As its name suggests, the HAIDIT or Shadow card represents the denied, repressed, or disowned/projected qualities and desires of our deepest self. When these parts are acknowledged and integrated into greater whole the Shadow’s energy becomes liberated and no longer controls one unconsciously, instead aiding development. The Shadow is extremely creative and full of energy and when acknowledged becomes an essential component to the high-octane blend of the 5 bodies.

The HAIDIT position has an elemental base of WATER – the card placed here is read elementally dignified to water.

5. SAHU – The Awakened Self

The card in this position holds the KEY to the awakening and integration of the SAHU, which is the goal of all spiritual and magical work from this perspective. This is accomplished by functionally strengthening, integrating as well individuating the AUFU (Body), KA (Mind/Double), KHU (Magical Will) and HAIDIT (Shadow). Based on the interpretation of the card in this position, which is always read in relationship with the surrounding four cards, the querent is given insight into HOW, and WHAT is needed for this integration to be accomplished.

The SAHU card has no elemental base and all four surrounding cards are always read as elemental modifiers for the SAHU card in order to determine its overall strength and dignity. Contrastingly, the four surrounding ‘body’ cards are only ever modified by their own elemental bases. Analysis of the dignity of the SAHU key card, read in relation to these surrounding cards, will reveal where integration is weakest and strongest as well what those relationships look like.

It is important to remember that this card does NOT necessarily describe the condition of SAHU itself, which is the IDEAL of the spiritually awakened self which the querent is growing towards – rather, it gives insight into how this ideal can become actualised, or what is hindering that realization. It is the KEY, and has been marked with golden key on the spread diagram for this reason.

The SAHU card is the constant used for interpreting each of the “Integration and Awakening” triads discussed later on.

6. KA – the Mental Double

The KA card describes the querent’s mental climate, thought patterns, as well as self-image – in other words ones general state of mind. The KA directly influences the AUFU and its health through its thinking. The card in this position offers advice for transformation of thinking and imagination, which when combined with the magical will of KHU and the knowledge of HAIDIT lead to the manifestation of whatever the KA can dream of. When this process happens in a non-integrated way the KA manifests all sorts of fears, sicknesses and problems fuelled by the Shadow. When the KA is integrated harmoniously then the querent becomes empowered, and indeed, powerful.

The KA position has an elemental base of AIR – the card placed here is read elementally dignified to air.

7.AUFU – The Physical Body

The AUFU card describes the health of the physical body, and to some extent querents physical world. It describes ways in which physical integration; health and well-being can be realized. It often deals with exercise, diet or sexuality and it also describes any material concerns of relevance to the AUFU body.

The AUFU position has an elemental base of EARTH – the card placed here is read elementally dignified to earth.

8. SOKHIM – The Second ‘Mortal’ Soul

The SOKHIM card describes a relevant narrative emerging from the personal myth-essence or blueprint of the SOKHIM soul. These are stories or themes that we enact in our life story. The card in this position makes us aware of an emerging aspect of the blueprint or myth pattern that might be influencing us at this time. Some SOKHIM patterns (although not all) are stories we need bring to consciousness in order to transcend or transform them by means of full awaking of SAHU and the five bodies as a whole. Seeing that the SOKHIM forms the basis of our core architecture this is no small feat and, indeed, is the Great Work itself.

The SOKHIM can be read dignified to the SAHU, and any of the other 4 Bodies in order to see how an aspect of SOKHIM myth-pattern might be influencing the actualization of the entire human.


The Chaos card describes the malign or entropic forces at work in the system. The card is always read reversed or ill dignified and is placed horizontally to suggest its bad alignment. Caution should be taken not to interpret this as direct demonic interference and such like – which will lead to a thoroughly paranoid and destructive outlook!

The Chaos card is primarily about the PRINCIPLE of Chaos as it is in play in our energetic system, and how it is attempting to bring about transformation of that ordered system to its own chaotic state. It is the MOST valuable card because with this knowledge we can takes steps to counter the motion of entropy in our system. What is more, it is balanced equally by the Cosmos card – which represents the necessary spiritual tools we are given to bring about the transformation of Chaos at present. Like the HAIDIT, the energies and events depicted in the CHAOS card can only have an effect if it remains unconscious or hidden.

It is useful to read this card in relation to the Cosmos card to unpack its role in the querent’s life – although it can and should be read in relation to all of the 5 bodies in the spread – especially the HAIDIT. Full integration of the 5 bodies is what Chaos strives disperse.

Overall Elemental Dignity:

By looking at the overall elemental dignity of the 5 bodies we can determine the level of entropy or evolution prevailing in the system. A lot of ill dignified cards over several readings suggest an energetic imbalance a lack of integration of the five bodies.

Look to the COSMOS card, the BA as well as SAHU card for advice on remedial action, which will allow harmonious integration to the 5 bodies again. Especially the SAHU card holds the key for this transformation. Similarly a lot of well-dignified cards suggest a movement toward integration and awakening of the SAHU – the SAHU card will advice on how to further use this momentum for ever deepening integration.

The Integration and Awakening Triads:

In addition to reading the spread on a card by card basis an analysis certain of triads of cards can be a useful way to get a picture of the more subtle constellations forming in the querent’s reality. There are four principle triads, each containing the vital SAHU key card, which is important for interpreting the information gleaned to bring about transformation.

(1-2-5) Triad of Divine Inspiration and Evolution
(3-4-5) Triad of Power and Hidden Knowledge Revealed
(5-6-7) Triad of Thinking and Being
(5-8-9) Triad of Myth and Entropy

As mentioned, in each of these triads the SAHU card is the principle card and in conjunction with the other two cards in the triad describes the tools the triad reveals for integration and awakening of the 5 bodies. In each instance the SAHU card acts as the principle card and is modified by the other two cards in the triad.


Masters, R. 2002. The Goddess Sekhmet: Psycho-spiritual Exercises of the Fifth Way. White Cloud Press


Thats it! Hope it makes sense, and offers value - feel free to give me a shout and I will do my best to clarify anything confusing.




I'll definitely have to give this spread a whirl and with my Ancient Egyptian Tarot, of course! :D But I need sustenance first.




I've just thoroughly read your post and tried to digest your background info into sound-bite sized chunks that I could use in doing a spread for myself or someone else. Does this properly distill what you were getting at?

1. Cosmos - positive influence of the cosmic forces of order and harmony in Querent's life
2. Ba (the immortal soul or higher self) - the big view of the situation or the relationship between the Cosmos and the Querent
3. Khu (magical body) - the magical climate, health and development of the Querent's magical identity or magical will (Fire base)
4. Hadit (the shadow) - any unconscious material or psychological stuff that's ready for integration (Water base)
5. Sahu (awakened self) - the key to the awakening and integration of the Sahu, how and what is needed for the integration to be accomplished (read in relationship with 3, 4, 6 and 7)
6. Ka (mental double) - one's general state of mind (mental climate, thought patterns and self-image) (Air base)
7. Aufu (physical body) - the health of the physical body, the Querent's physical world (Earth base)
8. Sokhim (second mortal soul) - story or theme that Querent is enacting in their life story, an emerging aspect of Querent's personal blueprint that might be influencing Querent at this time (dignified to Sahu)
9. Chaos - the malign or entropic forces that attempt to turn the Querent's ordered energetic system to a chaotic state

Quantum James said:
There are four principle triads, each containing the vital SAHU key card, which is important for interpreting the information gleaned to bring about transformation.
(1-2-5) Triad of Divine Inspiration and Evolution
(3-4-5) Triad of Power and Hidden Knowledge Revealed
(5-6-7) Triad of Thinking and Being
(5-8-9) Triad of Myth and Entropy

I understand the 345 and 567 triads, although I would write them as 354 and 657 to emphasize the importance of the Sahu in the triad. You've lost me with the 125 and 589 triads though. My understanding and use of triads is that the middle card in the triad gets the focus. With 125, the Ba gets the focus. And with 589, the Sokhim gets the focus). The Sahu is not the focal card in either of those triads.

Also, aren't 356 and 457 as important as 354 and 657? You look at how conflicting elements react with the Sahu, but you don't look at how the active elements (Fire and Air) or how the passive elements (Water and Earth) react with the Sahu.

I can also see looking at the 159 and 258 triads.

BTW, glad to see you getting a handle on EDs. :thumbsup:


Quantum James

rwcarter said:

I've just thoroughly read your post and tried to digest your background info into sound-bite sized chunks that I could use in doing a spread for myself or someone else. Does this properly distill what you were getting at?

1. Cosmos - positive influence of the cosmic forces of order and harmony in Querent's life
2. Ba (the immortal soul or higher self) - the big view of the situation or the relationship between the Cosmos and the Querent
3. Khu (magical body) - the magical climate, health and development of the Querent's magical identity or magical will (Fire base)
4. Hadit (the shadow) - any unconscious material or psychological stuff that's ready for integration (Water base)
5. Sahu (awakened self) - the key to the awakening and integration of the Sahu, how and what is needed for the integration to be accomplished (read in relationship with 3, 4, 6 and 7)
6. Ka (mental double) - one's general state of mind (mental climate, thought patterns and self-image) (Air base)
7. Aufu (physical body) - the health of the physical body, the Querent's physical world (Earth base)
8. Sokhim (second mortal soul) - story or theme that Querent is enacting in their life story, an emerging aspect of Querent's personal blueprint that might be influencing Querent at this time (dignified to Sahu)
9. Chaos - the malign or entropic forces that attempt to turn the Querent's ordered energetic system to a chaotic state

Hi Rodney - that looks about right, thanks for the distillation!

rwcarter said:

I understand the 345 and 567 triads, although I would write them as 354 and 657 to emphasize the importance of the Sahu in the triad. You've lost me with the 125 and 589 triads though. My understanding and use of triads is that the middle card in the triad gets the focus. With 125, the Ba gets the focus. And with 589, the Sokhim gets the focus). The Sahu is not the focal card in either of those triads.

Also, aren't 356 and 457 as important as 354 and 657? You look at how conflicting elements react with the Sahu, but you don't look at how the active elements (Fire and Air) or how the passive elements (Water and Earth) react with the Sahu.

I can also see looking at the 159 and 258 triads.

BTW, glad to see you getting a handle on EDs. :thumbsup:


Hehe when I wrote this I thought you might query that! :laugh:
Of course, as your understanding of elemental dignities far exceeds mine you should feel free to analyze away!

However, I grouped the 3-5-4 and 6-5-7 triads together whilst excluding the other two because as I understand it, in the Fifth Way, those bodies are in relationship to each other directly in those tiers.

The elemental bases are simply a way to determine dignity of the bodies themselves (which happen to fit snugly into those elements, I discovered) so in terms of this spread I am not really examining the elemental interactions themselves. It is of course valid to examine the relationship of those BODIES in the triads if that can reveal something, I just stacked them together in that way based on their energetic frequencies.

With regards 125 and 589 triads, I basically threw the rules out the window to focus on the SAHU - firstly because the BA is not changeable by human circumstances it is self-perfected and from my understanding it wouldn't make sense to modify it by "lower" card. Only the Cosmos card should affect it. With 589 triad I wanted the focus to remain on the SAHU, as it is the key for integration - but there is no reason not to make SOKHIM the focus - as long as it understood that the SOKHIM represents that myth-essence emerging, I dont see why not...:thumbsup:

Thanks for the thoughtful questions - I would love to hear how it reads for you!



Couple/few more questions as I look even more closely at this before attempting it.

Looking at your jpg, you drew lines between 6 and 8 and between 7 and 8. So, visually it looks like 687 is an elemental triad that should be read. But you don't mention that triad. Similar lines aren't drawn between 3 and 2 and between 4 and 2. So for the sake of balance, I'd either add lines to 324 or remove them from 687.

I'm guessing one doesn't ask a question when using this spread. It provides an overview of one's development at the time the spread was laid. So at what interval should one repeat the spread? Quarterly? Twice a year? Yearly?

I have less of an issue with 125 and 589 if I think of them as paths instead of triads. So 521 would be the Path of Divine Inspiration and Evolution and 589 would be the Path of Myth and Entropy. You start with 5 and you can either move up the path or down it. So 5 is central in that regard, but not in the sense of the central card in an elemental triad.

I will hopefully get a chance to do this spread on Monday since I'm on stay-cation all this week.


Quantum James

rwcarter said:

Couple/few more questions as I look even more closely at this before attempting it.

Looking at your jpg, you drew lines between 6 and 8 and between 7 and 8. So, visually it looks like 687 is an elemental triad that should be read. But you don't mention that triad. Similar lines aren't drawn between 3 and 2 and between 4 and 2. So for the sake of balance, I'd either add lines to 324 or remove them from 687.Rodney

The SOKHIM soul, from this perspective, forms the basis of AUFU and the KA - the lines on the diagram indicate that relationship (possibly I should remove them if this causes confusion?). At any rate, one could form meaningful triads from any position one chooses and the reader should feel free to do so. The triads I have outlined all use the SAHU card as focal point. I felt these were especially important to get an overview of the five bodies seeing that the goal of the process is integration of the bodies and that is what the SAHU card represents.

rwcarter said:
I'm guessing one doesn't ask a question when using this spread. It provides an overview of one's development at the time the spread was laid. So at what interval should one repeat the spread? Quarterly? Twice a year? Yearly?

I use the spread whenever I feel the need for clarity about my spiritual growth, as well as to get a holistic picture of my spiritual life, emotional life and corporeal existence as an integrated whole.

I have asked questions using the spread - which worked well, but a diagnostic overview is what it is intended for.

rwcarter said:
I have less of an issue with 125 and 589 if I think of them as paths instead of triads. So 521 would be the Path of Divine Inspiration and Evolution and 589 would be the Path of Myth and Entropy. You start with 5 and you can either move up the path or down it. So 5 is central in that regard, but not in the sense of the central card in an elemental triad.

I will hopefully get a chance to do this spread on Monday since I'm on stay-cation all this week.

I do like the path analogy, and probably this is more accurate for what is intended here - I am still learning! ;) Enjoy!



I've given it a try and I have to say I'm not sure about it. While I am familiar with some of the principles (Ba, Ka and Hadit as well as Cosmos and Chaos), the others are foreign enough to me that they might as well be in another language. It took me two days to interpret the spread cause I had to keep going back to your explanatory text about what the positions are trying to get at and then try to figure out how the card I drew fit into that framework.

I got some interesting insights/truths out of the spread, but it was too much like hard work. I did notice something that I thought was rather strange - in reading for myself, I was relying more on the standard meanings of the cards and less on the imagery, which is exactly opposite to how I've been reading for others. But I don't know if that's because of how I struggled with figuring out what information the positions were trying to give me.

Before I try this spread again, I need to wrap my head around Masters' treatment of the Five Bodies. If I understood that, the spread might flow better.


Quantum James

Hi Rodney,

Thanks for giving it a whirl, sorry to hear it didn't give any joy - it is a bit dense and does require knowledge of his rather idiosyncratic spiritual system.

I have been doing wider research on the Egyptian subtle bodies - from more academic sources, and it seems to me that mr. Masters has really created his own definitions which are, it seems, often unrelated to the traditional concepts. The Sahu for instance, is traditionally understood as a kind of ancestral consciousness - which basically contradicts the central premise of his system!

I am thinking of reworking the spread based on the new info I have discovered, but yeah, lets see ;)