Samhain/Fall Spreads.


Since halloween is approaching and the leaves are starting to turn, I am in search of some halloween, samhain, or fall type spreads. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.



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From Christine Jette's Tarot for All Seasons:

Place the Death card on your altar to symbolize your itnention t let go of worn-out ideas or habits. The Hermit represents going within to find your won wise counsel.

The scents of Samhain
Apple,pumpkin,vanilla,sage, or the scent of any autumn flower such as marigold.

Magical Brews
Apple tea or nettle;mulled cider or wine with spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Any pungent, spicy herbal infusion that reminds you of autumn. Vanilla is especially attuned to the Dark Goddess and adds a delightful flavor to your magical brew.

Fruit of Wisdom Layout-star shape


1) A time of reflection, Fears and blocks.
What is holding you back from creating the life you want? What blocks you from your desires?
2) Acceptance. Who or what do you need to accept? What cannot be changed?
3) Release and let go. What is no longer useful to you? What habits, relationships, or thought patterns are worn out?
4) Keep, Nurture, and Protect. WHat talents, skills, and abilities do you need to keep and nuture? What do you need to protect?
5) Crones Wisdom. What is your intuition telling you? What can you learn from your situation?
6) Cauldron of Rebirth. Awaiting the New.
What future are you building as a result of reflecting, accepting, releasing, nuturing, and protecting?
To complete the Samhain reading, you can meditate with the cards, write a journal entry, keep the cards on the altar until Yule, or simply close. Carry a card or two with you during the day to strenghten the connection between you and inner wisdom. Affirm your personal power to protect all taht love:
"I awaken to the Samhain season and release all that is holding me back from fullfilling my sprit's desire. This, or soemthing better, is manisfesting for me now, for the good of all, harming no one, according to free will. SO mote it be."