Star of Change


I have a friend who didn't know whether to take action on situation or even what action she might take, so I designed this six-pointed star shaped spread for her. (At least I *think* I designed it! If this is someone else's spread, please let me know!)

The downward pointing triangle (positions 1-3) tells about the situation and what would be the most likely outcome if you just let matters run their course, and and the upward pointing triangle (positions 4-6) points out where changes can be made and what the most likely outcome would be if adopted these changes.

It worked so well for us, I thought I'd share it here.





1. What is the foundation of the situation?
2. What is behind it or influencing it?
3. What is the most likely outcome if you do nothing about the situation?

4. What thoughts can be changed to bring about a different outcome?
5. What actions can be taken to bring about a different outcome?
6. What is the most likely outcome if these thoughts changes and actions are made?



I am going to try this spread tonight. I need some advice to help fight my jealous rage right now. LOL


This is a great spread for wafflers, such as myself.


what is a waffler?


BLFO said:
what is a waffler?
Someone who can't decide on anything... puts off making taking one stand over another... if unclear on which way to lean.

Term used most in political campaignes.


I like this spread and have added it to my journal. Thanks for sharing it. :)


You're welcome!

I have gotten such great spreads here, I thought it was only fair to share.


Cool spread - it's going in my journal ;)


Sulis xx


did someone say "Waffles"???? ;)

this is a nice spread -- there's a difference five card star one in here too -- different "angle" tho -- yeah this is going in my journal too :)