'show me the money' spread


Hi all!
What is your favourite spread when asked about finances (or..'when am I going to make more money' ha ha)


Do a chacra spread, three cards per position, and try to look for blocks and/or obstackles in the way of your energy flow. This way, you can read what it is that is currently preventing you from getting money (Or if you actually need the money at all, when it comes to it). If you want further reading, I say do a second reading in the shape of a timeline, with the center card being a now, and three cards on each side representing immediate, near, and far future/past.


You may want to look at AT's tarot spreads section and Glass Owl's picks also in this section. There is a whole repertoire of spreads on finances which I have used and are quite revealing.

Good luck!

I would like to try the chacra spread. I haven't thought t that chacra spread wpuld help me figure financial or energy blockages but I want to do this! Great idea!