I need to know how to do a Year Prediction


I´d like to know a spread valid for predicting the 12 months of a year. How to place the cards.


I have used the Year spread in Nancy Garen's book, Tarot Made Easy.

Basically, you lay out the cards in a clock shape, starting with the current month in the 9 o'clock position. Then going clockwise, lay out 11 more cards following the clock layout - the next month is 10 o'clock, the following is 11 o'clock... until you have gone all the way around the clock. Then an additional card goes in the middle for a overall outcome or general information.

I usually use this layout every New Year's, but it can done at any time in the year. What is cool is to do it periodically through the year and see if the cards for particular months come up again and move based on the date of the reading. I watched a Tower card associated with a month (November, I think) move through the clock to the current month (when eventually the current month became November a few years ago.

There are also some other year spreads in the Spreads Index.



yes this is the spread I use for a month by month... do exactly what has already been explained.. :D


12 month spread is the one you need, 12 cards laid either clockwise or from left to right.


Hi, I'm often using a 13 moons spread and go by the moon cycles. If the year has 13 full moons, I pull an extra "blue moon" card.

Additionally, I pull 4 seasonal cards (which I call "gift of spring" and so on) for a trend/summary for every quarter of the year. I normally use another deck for this or reshuffle before pulling those.