The No where feels like home spread...


So I came up with this because I just can't figure out where I am suppose to be and where my home really is. It worked really well and I figured I'd post it.





1. Why isn't anywhere feeling like home?

2. What is the cause of this unhomely feeling?

3. What well make me have or be at home?

4. What can I start doing to make a home?

5. Mind- What you think a home should be?

6. Heart- What you need a home for you to do emoitionally?

7. Mystery/advice Card

Much Lov


Alectra your spread is beatiful. I've printed it out to add to my collection.

Bless your heart, may you find the comfort and feeling of home soon.

Lots of love,



Thank you for such positive feedback. Its my first posted spread so it was awesome that you copied into your journal.

Love and light to you


I really like this, Alectra. I've copied this one down and plan to use it very soon. I've moved around all my life, and have yet to find a place that feels like home. Now that I have kids, I have a sense of "home" wherever we're together... but there's still that something missing, geographically...a place that I just click with and that feels so naturally where I'm meant to be. It's a feeling I've always longed for. Thank you for sharing this spread... I wish you a beautiful journey as you seek that home of your own. ♥ ♥ ♥


I just used this spread with my Sakki-Sakki deck and it was VERY thought-provoking! I also added a shadow card taken from the bottom of the deck to reflect what is lurking underneath it all...what needs to be weeded out. It made for a very insightful and helpful reading. Thanks again for posting the spread!


im going to do this too... im a really unsettled character... I usually last about 6 months- year in one place.... I've actually moved country in my searching.... and voila... 6 months later Im getting the urge to move again...

dunno what I am seeking but will deffo try this out tomorrow...


Thanks for posting this :)

I'm going to try it too


thank you for this spread

i tried it out and it helped me a lot

this is such a powerful spread, i plan to use whenever i need help with home life or something similar

-thankk you so much A


I tried it posted it in your readings (the members one)


I rarely write down spreads people post here - not because they're bad, but because I tend to write my own when I need it.
But......I had to write this one down. You came up with a great spread Alectra!!! I'm definitely going to try this one. :*