Planet Series: Uranus' own cycle thru the chart


For Madwenaya

I think you are quite correct in suspecting Pluto as being the bad guy. I say this because of your natal chart. With an MC a 5 Sag and an ASC at 16 Aquarius constitutes an arc of 71 degrees. If we extend this arc-value from the MC toward the DSC angle, we arrive at a point in your chart that is 24 Virgo. This point is conjunct, 1 degree, your Pluto. This equal-arc angle represents a point in your chart where the world just walks in uninvited and messes with your life. Pluto is here, so Pluto can mess with your life. (You won't find this in any astrological book, but trust me, as 30+ years as shown this to be quite reliable).

As for your Uranus half-cycle opposition in 2011, you have to watch for other Uranus impact points. Any time transiting Jupiter and Uranus make an aspect to each other your Uranus energies can be set off. Any time either of these make an aspect to natal Jupiter-Uranus, you will feel a Uranus impact -- a sense that you need to be independent, a need to rebel against those you work with, etc.

I call these "similarity" patterns. Whenever natal patterns (groups of planets in aspect to each other) recombine in the same or different asepct patterns, the natal planets have an opportunity to re-express themselves in altered ways. We call this "experience" and these experiences can change the way we used to react to our natal pattern.s -- this is called maturing and growth.

Sun and Pluto contacts can work out in extreme ways. On the positive side, you can strive for power and reach for far-off goals. Sudden advancement is possible, new ideas can be acted on. On the negative side, physical hurt and suffering, the feeling of irretrievable loss, separation -- all versions of these can be experienced. Sometimes we have a blend of good and bad.

It's good to think about this now as long as you recognize that you can't dwell upon this to the point of distraction. Thanks for sharing, Dave


Thanks for your reply Dave.

You are absolutely correct about the dwelling part. I found that the more time I spent being miserable about my situation the worse I felt. It was leading me to lose interest in doing anything constructive. All of that serves no purpose for me.

Luckily, at that time I had a friend who convinced me that a college degree was obtainable. She is a single parent of four children - and she signed up for school with me. She is from Hamburg, Germany, and told me that every time she got divorced (3 times) she went to school. That is her idea of improving herself. I liked her version of events much better than what I was experiencing so I gave it a try. I have wanted (and tried) to go to school for the past 20 years. I have always had something, some person, or some emotion holding me back. But now my projected graduation date is in 2009. I only have a few more years to make a long-time ambition become a reality. That is where I am currently trying to focus most of my energy, although I am obviously still battling some of my negativity too.

You are also very correct about everything else you said too. Uranus and Pluto have tons of influence in my life. I haven't especially noticed Jupiter but I will follow it now to see the influence.