Certain Decks for Certain Querents?


Are there decks that you like to use specifically for certain friends, family, paying querents? Do you sometimes feel a deck suits them better, or is it really whatever deck you just happen to be into that day? It's kind of a combination or maybe an either/or for me. There are some friends I tend to read for with one deck and some another and since that's not usually in person, it's not like they would know, although I usually tell them and oh, I'm going to use this deck. I've never had anyone specifically ask me to use a certain deck though. ATers? Your experience?


Most of the time, I pick the deck based more on the question/circumstances.

Except in the case of my husband- his deck always has been the Maroon tarot. I tried reading with other decks- nothing worked well- like the Maroon had put a gag order on all of them and said "MINE".

He is Polish, the deck is Polish. The deck loves him. Anytime he asks me for a reading, I automatically pick that one up. Anytime I try to read for myself- it is like a snarky old aunt telling you how old and tired you look. :p But for him- all lovey dovey- come eat some more pierogi aunts. Weird!

Otherwise though- I base it on the question.

Which is a long answer to your question. :laugh:



That was a GREAT answer, Penthasilia!

What a wonderful example! Maybe that explains why the Berenika decks have become favorites of mine. I love how the deck loves your husband :). Where the Maroon seems to be HIS deck, do you have a YOUR deck?


What a wonderful example! Maybe that explains why the Berenika decks have become favorites of mine. I love how the deck loves your husband :). Where the Maroon seems to be HIS deck, do you have a YOUR deck?

The Thoth. My first love.

I use other ones, but when you reach that dark place where you really need insight and guidance- that is the one I choose, or rather- that chooses me. :)


Love that, Penthasilia!

The Pamela Commemorative is that tarot deck for me and the Anna. K. Decks are so subjective!


If someone seems sullen (who wants to read someone like that?) I'll drag out the Ludy Lescot or the Victorian Romantic. If they seem quirky, I might take out the Deviant Moon. The Anna K is always good for those times when shock and awe style decks might push someone over the edge. :laugh:

Mostly these days I just use the Tarot Illuminati until my love affair with it wanes.

For myself, well, I try not to read for myself as I always seem to see the darker side of things, but when I do, I use the Tarot of Trees or the Baroque Bohemian Cats Mini. Something where I wouldn't automatically think of people in my world.


I have three decks I offer to most clients, but I usually do the choosing.

I use a RiderWaiteSmith, a trimmed Thoth and a Marseille.

The RWS is often if the client is chatty, unfamiliar with Tarot but intrigued and wanting to be involved with the reading.

The Thoth is for the client who doesn't want to discuss...or maybe they're a bit cynical...or maybe they are Tarot fiends themselves & appreciate the Thoth...or for the faint of heart, nervous of a Tarot reading; the abstract images don't threaten them, unsettling words such as 'cruelty' are removed.

The Marseille is for the client who loves the fairground gipsy mystery kind of Tarot reading; they get a little shiver of relish when those ancient and familiar faces show up in their readings and the minor arcana is so fluid in interpretation, it helps with a reading.

I've plans to include the Mary-El in this stable as I'm really settling down with it; The Hallowe'en tarot comes out at the end of October and I'd use the Greenwood if I ever had a client who'd appreciate it :/

I have one friend who likes me to use the Tarot of Vampyres or Bohemian Gothic; another who insists upon the Paulina as she found it so pretty.


I have to ask...

What Hallowe'en Tarot is coming out at the end of October?


l bring out the Pagan Cats Tarot for younger more sensitive querents.
The Bohemian Gothic for those that are seriously asking life questions.
The Osho Zen when there is a more spiritual element.
The 1JJ Swiss for my own readings and for friends.
The Epinal for the male querents.

This way of choosing my decks has evolved over time using the decks regularly. It works well for me.

Interesting question GD:p


I read for clients with three decks: the THOTH (and yes Penthasilia, it "chose me" decades ago as well), The Luciferian and the Maroon

Except in the case of my husband- his deck always has been the Maroon tarot. I tried reading with other decks- nothing worked well- like the Maroon had put a gag order on all of them and said "MINE".

He is Polish, the deck is Polish. The deck loves him.

Not surprising! I find this deck interacts really well with Europeans, with people into fantasy (perhaps Renaissance recreators or actors), RPG-types and artists.

It is, actually, a bit too dark in places for some people.

The Luciferian is for those free spirits unfettered by dogma or belief-system restrictions and fear. It is presented as an option to roughly 1/3 of my clients after I've screened them, and generally is used for inner "shadow" work dealing with self awareness and manifesting potential and inner strength into the external world. It is also accurate in sifting through BS (i.e., right on the money and straightforward).

The THOTH, well, she works for anyone.

The Thoth is for the client who doesn't want to discuss...or maybe they're a bit cynical...or maybe they are Tarot fiends themselves & appreciate the Thoth...

Exactly Velvetina. Any of the above. The Thoth deflates the skeptical with surprsing honesty.

Thus, I base the deck selected on:

Client nature
question, type of reading and Spread needed
their preference IF offered a choice