Question about Blue Moons


I am wondering what affect the coming trend for "Blue Moons" or two full moons in a calendar month may have on astrological influences. There are quite a few of them in 2007, according to the star chart I looked at. This is supposed to be a rare event, so goes the phrase, and it seems to be happening at a time in my chart when things are taking a great shift toward the positive.

I've been in an astrological period of endings so to speak for about 2 years now and it has been as frustrating as it sounds. However, as of this past week, the trend has changed, and is in fact gaining strength toward good luck. (not a moment too soon I might say)

For those of you much more in the know about astrology than I, perhaps you could shed some light on whether the Blue Moons are adding momentum to the upswing in my chart.

Thanks everyone.


Its a question of perception.

I can't seriously consider a "Blue Moon" as having any astrological significance. I say this because our calendar and means of marking time is strictly a man-made construction. When we consider that there are, and have been, many calendars in use -- most for far longer than our currently used western calendar -- I have to ask, "what do the heavens care about which calendar we use, and whether we see any significance in full moons relative to arbitrary starts/ends of a month (some of which have 31 days, some less). It seems to be possible that the month of March could have no Full Moon in rare instances, technically speaking. Is a "full-moon-less" month significant?

I suspect that in order to find meaning in a Blue Moon we would have to draw upon mythology and religion to provide a cultural significance but I, for one, do not see an astrological significance that would change the way I interpreted a chart. For what its worth. Dave


Hadn't thought of it that way

Good point. I think that what you're saying is that the stars are used to inform us of what may happen in a certain time period - however we arrange that time period doesn't matter. Thank you for the help.


The role of each month's new moon and full moon for us.

The question about Blue Moon's brings up the thought that instead of looking for the meaning of two Full Moon's in a month we might want to consider the role of each month's NEW MOON and FULL MOON in our INDIVIDUAL NATAL CHARTS.

Some of us are very much "lunar" people and find interesting insights in the position of each New Moon and/or Full Moon in our charts. In my case, my natal moon is closing in on my sun's position -- so it might suggest that I would be a new moon oriented person.

If there is interest in pursuing this, we can start a thread that examines and discusses the role of the Moon each month in our chart, in our lives. If we get enough interest expressed in this I will be glad to either lead or particiipate in such a discussion. Dave


It sounds great. Count me in. The full moon, and days immediately before and after seem to bring the most significant influences to my chart. It would be interesting to delve further into that.