The Fool as feelings towards someone?


My ex and I are talking again. I asked what does my ex feel towards me, and I keep getting the Fool.
He says he "loves me" but we've had a very rocky relationship in the past.

Any advice on what he may feel?


Your ex may need to get real. The Fool doesn't understand love and tosses that word around easily.


Recently drew this as well so hopefully I can resurrect the thread!

I'm thinking either 1.) his feelings are still forming or 2.) he doesn't have any and doesn't want to be tied down by any either

What does everyone else think?


True, the Fool doesn't want to be tied down, but the Fool is a lot deeper than most people see at first.

He is the all and everything that forms everything else. That's an important thought to keep in mind.

He's Eliphas Levi whose theories on energy have now been proven by modern science. He's not afraid to say and do what others wouldn't. He's the leader, leading the future to new heights.

So as feelings: He feels new, freshness, bold, and he doesn't care what others think of him.


My ex and I are talking again. I asked what does my ex feel towards me, and I keep getting the Fool.
He says he "loves me" but we've had a very rocky relationship in the past.

Any advice on what he may feel?
If I remain close to your question ("What does my ex feel towards me?"), I would say that your ex has a crush on you; I wouldn't say that he loves you even if he says this -too soon (immature)!-


If I remain close to your question ("What does my ex feel towards me?"), I would say that your ex has a crush on you; I wouldn't say that he loves you even if he says this -too soon (immature)!-

True. Depends on the context. For an ex boyfriend: He feels free and like he is starting on a new journey.

For a new relationship that is developing, but real: Feelings would be : not caring what others think, feeling free from societal constraints with that person, this person makes them feel youthful (say one person is older than the other).

There are a lot of ways to read the Fool because he is All and Nothing at the same time.


Since 2013, I've discovered that the feelings of the Fool may be "oblivious" -- that is, not aware of someone's feelings /for him/. Of course, a more positive interpretation may be on the flip-side of that: totally oblivious to anyone or anything else that is not his love.


If it's feelings you want to study I'd recommend Jane Lyle The lovers Tarot.

A fresh start towards relationships, person may have emerged from a constraining long term commitment where everything was dull and boring, we realize we've tried too hard to squeeze ourselves into a conventional mould and need to honour the child in us who cannot always take things seriously.

That's not to say he's not taking you seriously however, shake it up and try again, the fool has a lust for life and a hunger for knowledge which is catching and together you'll discover the playful side of life for this person loves to have fun and a good laugh.

You may need to lighten up to meet this person and their ideas half way but it would be worth it as typically people represented by the fool shake up our ideas and open our eyes showing us a wider world than we dreamed possible.


Your ex may need to get real. The Fool doesn't understand love and tosses that word around easily.

The Fool represents innocence like a young child who hasn't experienced much yet. They're not capable of "grown-up" stuff like adult relationships and feelings. That's not bad, but it's not all that positive with regard to a relationship in the adult world, either. Childlike-ness in an adult can be charming, but it can cause lots of problems, too.

What does love feel like to a child? A person who feeds them, keeps their clothes clean and their bed made, wipes away their tears when they get hurt by something because they didn't know any better, and who indulges their petty little whims and desires. Someone who gives them money when they need it can also fall in there. And "I want what I want when I want it and I want it NOW!" is often the state of the day. Sure, the child loves you, but at what cost to you and how equal is the partnership? Not very. :)


To me immaturity and innocence are totally different traits.