Page of Pentacles as a final card?


In a relationship reading, I pulled the Page of P in the final outcome position. I have no idea how to interpret this (or any other court card, for that matter) in a "final outcome" position such as this one.



Page of P as Outcome

Is it possible you can become a student once again? (or maybe you are one!) I read the page of P as "a student".
Another interpretation is receiving news regarding money, or health if it is the pents.


rissa, it's a bit difficult to tell exactly what it means without seeing it in relation to the other cards in the spread. but right off the bat, i'd say, because it was the outcome card for a relationship, I'd say that the relationship would work out to be beneficial to you.

pages are also messages. being the suit of pentacles would tell you that the message is something valuable to you.

this is my opinion, and also with not kowing your other cards in the spread.


rissa said:
In a relationship reading, I pulled the Page of P in the final outcome position. I have no idea how to interpret this (or any other court card, for that matter) in a "final outcome" position such as this one.
Pentacles are about the physical. Pages are about beginnings--like the children they represent, they indicate something in it's childhood or early stages.

So I'd say, this indicates that the relationship needs to either develop its physical aspects, or that the physical aspects are the place to start with this relationship.

Putting it another way...the final outcome to whatever question you asked is: hold hands; flirt, cuddle, learn how to kiss, learn what each other likes. The relationship isn't mature enough for anything else just yet.


Thirteen said:
Pentacles are about the physical. Pages are about beginnings--like the children they represent, they indicate something in it's childhood or early stages.

So I'd say, this indicates that the relationship needs to either develop its physical aspects, or that the physical aspects are the place to start with this relationship.

Putting it another way...the final outcome to whatever question you asked is: hold hands; flirt, cuddle, learn how to kiss, learn what each other likes. The relationship isn't mature enough for anything else just yet.
That sounds about right...the relationship is in early stages, largely physical...
something to consider for sure.

Thanks---court cards have always made me crazy...I don't feel them like I do the other cards.


Wow! Thirteen!

You never cease to amaze me with your interpretations. I've learned more from your posts in past couple of months than I have in 25 years of practicing.

The way you tell the *story* and explain the suits and graphics ... you're just always spot on and a very good read.

This is my very first post after perusing these threads for a couple of months, but I just couldn't stop myself from posting this time.

I'm in a financial bind and in dire need of selling something just to keep the lights on. I asked the cards if a 'friend' of mine was going to come through in helping me seal a sale. The outcome card was Page of Pents. I, as the original poster, have issues with court cards and thought, "huh?".

A post above stated "news about money" ... and then your post detailed me and my friend's relationship to a "T". I was floored.

btw, are you single ? I think I've fallen in love with you already :) ... Impressive~


The Page of Pents is also a card about 'visions' (On the RWS his hat has a veil - usually indicating a little psychicism), so maybe in the 'Final Outcome' you may have someone who shares your vision(s) of the future?


So spot on!!!

So I'd say, this indicates that the relationship needs to either develop its physical aspects, or that the physical aspects are the place to start with this relationship.

I got the page of pentacles as the outcome for a relationship question too and at least to me it is (without surprise =D) exactly what it meant, I have a great relationship with this guy but he's got some issues regarding the typical dating physical contact, he is very sweet, touches my hair, hand, face but he never kisses me or lets things get "warmer".

Maybe I need to make a move but I'm afraid of rejection =/

Thanks Thirteen, love your posts!
And Merry Christmas to you all!


The page gets us planning towards our vision of the 10P, we find ourselves assessing our ideas and plans for the long term future, wondering what is possible, what is realistic, what is practical? are all typical thought bubbles around this card. It shows the first step towards manifesting our wishes.