Waterhouse - Undine



Waterhouse painted Undine in 1872 and it is based on a then popular fairy-tale novella by a German baron Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué. The tale was written in 1811.
Undine, a water spirit, is washed ashore one day and and old fisherman and his wife adopt her. She later marries a knight named Huldebrand for love and in order to gain a soul. (It was believed that water spirits/Mermaids had no soul.) They have a child but then Huldebrand falls in love with another girl and deserts Undine. In the Waterhouse picture Undine rises from the fountain one last time to kiss her knight goodbye and the kiss is going to be lethal to the unfaithful knight Huldebrand. She is dressed in white like a bride and in the painting one can see two men running out from the building on the right to try to save the knight but it will be too late.

Here is the whole story:

In a reading this could mean something like the Three of Swords:

* betrayal, being betrayed
* heartbreak
* disappointment
* revenge
* love triangle
* secret coming out