Have you ever used a pendulum?


Back a while ago, I was going through a year long training in Breathwork. and we were taught to use the pendulum to get guidance such how long to have a person do the different phases...

Really? - how fascinating closerwalking! (my sister-in-law is a Breathwork therapist).

My dowsing skills are patchy - I find that I can dowse clearly if it's about Feng Shui-ing a space (including spirit/other presence). Seems I can manage to be completely detached in this particular function.
For most other things - my head gets in the way (i.e. my expectations, ideas, and doubts about whether it's working etc.).
And I'm best with an L-rod (I've tried them all - including sticky finger sweat response).
It has to be standard sized - that's the sort-of length to your elbow one.

A theory for the dowsing reaction is that it comes form our lizard brain... can't find my notes presently. So - our "primordial" 6th sense - picking up energetic information - or that subconscious "knowing" before all our other learned stuff gets in the way. What birds use to navigate by.
Maybe the same sort of response for kinesiology muscle testing. The wisdom of the body.

@ Libra 289 - might you share what the position labels for your 3-cards-per-option were?


Really? - how fascinating closerwalking! (my sister-in-law is a Breathwork therapist).

My dowsing skills are patchy - I find that I can dowse clearly if it's about Feng Shui-ing a space (including spirit/other presence). Seems I can manage to be completely detached in this particular function.
For most other things - my head gets in the way (i.e. my expectations, ideas, and doubts about whether it's working etc.).
And I'm best with an L-rod (I've tried them all - including sticky finger sweat response).
It has to be standard sized - that's the sort-of length to your elbow one.

A theory for the dowsing reaction is that it comes form our lizard brain... can't find my notes presently. So - our "primordial" 6th sense - picking up energetic information - or that subconscious "knowing" before all our other learned stuff gets in the way. What birds use to navigate by.
Maybe the same sort of response for kinesiology muscle testing. The wisdom of the body.

@ Libra 289 - might you share what the position labels for your 3-cards-per-option were?

They didn't really have positions, they are just three cards that are laid down to give more insight on the answer of the pendulum. I found the method on youtube! (I think it was the lady who runs the lovedove tarot websites, although I could be wrong).

I've tried it for a few predictions too, and for me, it hasn't been very reliable. I have asked questions that other people know the answer to but I don't (so I couldn't influence the answer) and it was incorrect for them too! I know pendulums work for some, but I feel it gives me shaky answers so I've decided to leave this method alone for a while & stick to tarot! :)



Personally, I don't trust pendulums. But that's just me. I know people who use them and do just fine. I had a very bad experience a few months ago. The problem with pendulums is you can't be sure that whoever/whatever is trying to communicate with you has your best interest in mind. Any spirit can manipulate a pendulum; for good or for ill. I've used mine (that I made, and properly cleansed and consecrated) about three times since my experience, and couldn't be certain that I was being given accurate answers.


Personally, I don't trust pendulums. But that's just me. I know people who use them and do just fine. I had a very bad experience a few months ago. The problem with pendulums is you can't be sure that whoever/whatever is trying to communicate with you has your best interest in mind. Any spirit can manipulate a pendulum; for good or for ill. I've used mine (that I made, and properly cleansed and consecrated) about three times since my experience, and couldn't be certain that I was being given accurate answers.

Wow. I'm sorry to hear that you had an unsettling experience.

And, as you yourself underline - it's not necessarily the tool.
More likely it just doesn't "fit" for you particularly well - you are unable to keep your boundaries clear when using it (hence interferance etc.).

The couple who taught me to dowse (years ago - and as I've said - I'm no expert dowser. What often happens for me - is I get in the way of the/my message - Lol), delved into everything you could possibly imagine relating to dowsing application (spirits, feng shui, finding water, geopathic stress, health matters, etc.) - and didn't have interfering entity problems. If they did - they were recognized and handled - in a most down-to-earth manner. Plus, there was a protocol of checks that one was taught to use before one began using the dowsing tool (which helped to define boundaries as I allude to), and also during it's use.
They were amazing! Christopher and Veronica Strong - that was them. Still practicing I believe.


Personally, I don't trust pendulums. But that's just me. I know people who use them and do just fine. I had a very bad experience a few months ago. The problem with pendulums is you can't be sure that whoever/whatever is trying to communicate with you has your best interest in mind. Any spirit can manipulate a pendulum; for good or for ill. I've used mine (that I made, and properly cleansed and consecrated) about three times since my experience, and couldn't be certain that I was being given accurate answers.

I have mine blessed to only communicate with my unconscious mind and higher self. Nothing or no one else, no matter how benevolent they may be. It seems to work as well, once upon a time there was someone with a rather powerful energy who became very upset with me, and they found out that my actions at the time were guided by the tarot and clarified with my pendulum. They became very upset at me for making what they considered to be an unethical decision with the pendulum. I told them that this was not the only information I would base a decision on (I never make important decisions on tarot, I only use the cards to clarify situations and I make my own choices). I told her that the reason she thought it was unethical was because she did not have all of the information, and I wouldn't give it to her because I would betray someone's trust if I did so (besides it was none of her business in any way, shape or form).

The next time I started to use my pendulum, when I calibrated it (I do so before every session) it gave me unusual responses. I asked if that was it's way of telling me that it was being interfered with, that a force external to myself was attempting to influence it. It said yes, and I purified it again and it worked fine. I think that she sheer force of her anger, which was directed at my pendulum, was pushing her will upon my responses and it let me know. I have confidence that if I keep it blessed (and sealed with a kiss containing my dna) it will let me know if something that is not me tries to use it.

I've not had a scary experience with it, but I have had experience with yes/no answers from a deck of playing cards (I think it had to do with the colors, can't remember) that someone taught me as a teen. The answers were consistent and definitely not from myself, and that ended in a puddle of lies and some frightening events. Never again. I talk to me alone.