New automatic drawings on offer


The blue woman made me think of a goddess figure initially, and I definitely felt the man was looking up to her. To me he looked as if he was waiting for answers or something. Does that make sense? I didn't feel the woman was closed off (horrible expression, that) but composed and perhaps more spiritually inclined than the earth-coloured male figure, which might give you a certain mystique :)

This makes perfect sense to me! I think the man I am seeing is waiting for me to open up more to him, and maybe following my lead (he gets that I am slow to open up and doesn't push me too quickly) I do present myself as very composed, and I am very very spiritual, he on the other hand is very earth bound and almost grounded. I have actually heard him refer to me as mysterious.

This does make a lot of sense! Thank you for the clarification!


There is a story I had to think of when drawing this, or a poem. When I was in school, we read a poem about a man who ends up in a fairy fort under a hill. The fairies keep singing about a silver ferry, which turns out to be the sickle of the moon, that glides past silently.

Here I had to think about an otherworld journey. I don't know who the figure in the boat is but the scene reminded me of the funeral barges in The Lord of the Rings.

I'm not connecting these for you for now but see what you come up with first.

I tried to google the poem you were talking about but I couldn't find it - I used to love fairies and the fairy realm when I was younger. I only saw the first Lord of the Rings movie and never read the book so I'm not too sure about the funeral barges - but I am aware of what they are.

When I look at the picture I am thinking it might actually be me in the ferry. I am just sort of cruising along at the moment (both in love and in general), regarding the funeral boat - things are slowly dying around me. There are changes happening. Slowly things are dropping away and I am not letting it bother me, I'm not fighting it, I am just letting it all go by. (That's not to say that I don't sometimes get angry :p )

I love being on water and I have a great affinity with the moon and it's cycles, so it is lovely to see the water scene and I am still very curious about this poem. I often look at my window at night and just watch the moon drift across the sky until I fall asleep.


Yours is an eclectic mix of cultural references. I see a number of faces, most of them abstract, and patterns that remind me of Mesoamerican/Mayan art. The split head in the foreground looked like an Olmec head to me. Next to it I see a unicorn, and leaping out a Celtic-style salmon. You might want to research all three aspects. I think this little painting bodes well for your spiritual development. What does it tell you about your inner purpose?

Hi BE, interesting that you mentioned spiritual development as I was just going on a retreat so couldn't respond much right away. I find the image quite mysterious. What I notice most is how there is so much shifting in and out--like that well-known image that's simultaneously/alternately a vase and two faces in profile, I see faces that dissolve into other faces or creatures--fish, bird, horse. I keep wanting to look at it closer and feel I'm just scratching the surface of all that it holds. So if the image itself is the reading/answer, I guess the answer to "how can I stay more connected to my inner purpose" is to be found in this fluidity of forms and the depths from which these transitory forms arise. Wow, pretty deep. Thank you for this very rich image. I will keep looking at it and studying it for clues!


Reading for Miss Nine - 31 March 2015

I couldn't think of a title for yours but I clearly see a woman with a large blue cap, so plenty of room for spiritual development I'd say. She has an eye patch on one eye, or it seemed to me to be more like the eye was not developed yet. This area I'd also blue do maybe you are developing a new way of seeing, or spirit is encouraging you


Reading for Storm - 31 March 2015

Yours is called 'Man of Summer - or, The Swimmer'. I saw the energy of the swallow driving the man who seems to be imitating the movement of effortless flight. At the same time, I felt he was swimming against the tide and it was a great effort on his part. Let me know what you think, especially in relation to your question. The thought occurred to me that this could be literally about swimming, like swimming instructor.



I couldn't think of a title for yours but I clearly see a woman with a large blue cap, so plenty of room for spiritual development I'd say. She has an eye patch on one eye, or it seemed to me to be more like the eye was not developed yet. This area I'd also blue do maybe you are developing a new way of seeing, or spirit is encouraging you

Wow. Thank you for this reading. And the beautiful drawing.

Funny you got an eye patch. I Was born with a lazy eye and wore a patch when young in the right eye, so my left eye muscuscles and Vision would improve. So coincidental!!!!

As for the spirit message...yes, I am definitely learning to channel medium messages from loved ones. I'm getting great input from other members here, which really helps me learn the ropes.

Thank you again for the beautiful and positve message. I know now I made the right decision to expand my skills in this area.


Funny you got an eye patch. I Was born with a lazy eye and wore a patch when young in the right eye, so my left eye muscuscles and Vision would improve. So coincidental!!!!


I'm glad the drawing resonated and thanks for the feedback. This sort of detail ^^ I pick up on quite often. It's very literal, often biographical, information on the sitter. I once did a drawing for someone here that showed a woman wearing a ring on her index finger,something my sitter was in the habit of doing in real life. I don't know why I pick up on this seemingly irrelevant information though. Did you have any other thoughts apart from 'coincidental' when you saw the eye patch?


Reading for Ginmore - 4 April 2015

You asked about your soulmate. The painting is called 'The Dancer and the Toy Bishop'. What do you see?


Reading for Simple - 4 April 2015

Yours is called 'Spirit of the Sea' and since you asked about your spiritual path, I'd say it's related to a maritime theme. I see a couple of things here: it's a coastal landscape but there is also a face in the water, the spirit of the sea. I don't know if that is meaningful to you in any way.