Way of the Horse ~ Card 19 ~ Back to Grazing


1. Describe the card

I'm not sure if this is a sunset, or if the sky is overcast ~ you can barely see anything of it, and what is there is gently coloured, soft clouds (looking almost flat). No storms. Everything about this card feels calm and peaceful, which is sort of the way I've been feeling this afternoon.

Five horses ~ two white, two differing shades of brown, and one black ~ stand close together as they graze in a field. It looks as though the grass is blowing to the right, in a breeze, but there are no concerns here.

2. Describe the emotional atmosphere of the card. What emotions does the card evoke in me?

I feel no strong emotions when looking at the card. Just peacefulness.

3. What would a physical manifestation (in you) of this card be? (i.e. tingling, gasping, smiling, headache, makes me want to run, etc.)

Soft, relaxed muscles ~ no tension. I might feel slightly chilly, given the breeze, but I'd likely just want to walk around, or stretch out on a blanket, reading, writing and/or eating and drinking something myself.

4. What are the mental characteristics of the card?

No real mental chatter. If it's there, then it's fleeting, and replaced by quiet or daydreams.

5. What are the spiritual characteristics? (if any)

This is the state of mind in which some of those strong intuitive hits come in ~ when for whatever reason, your mind has calmed, you aren't really concerned with anything, and then *wham* - something important comes to you.

It also feels like when you manage to let go of something ~ finally. As much as I don't like stormy emotions, I do love the peace that comes after the tears, the instinctive hiding, followed by a stability and calmness that you wouldn't have expected to come to you again so soon.

6. What I find most appealing about the card

The utter contentment in the card, and I love how close the horses are to one another.

7. What I find least appealing about the card

The slight chilliness that I think I might feel in that field.

I'll post a picture of the card, soon.


Emotional Agility
Trust in the Universe
Letting the Story Go

With the sun massaging their backs and warm winds blowing through their manes, horses of different colours and temperaments graze together in quiet ecstasy.

The Gift

When you move through emotions like horses do, when you get the message behind a troubling feeling and change something in response, you experience greater periods of authentic peace and fulfillment.

The Challenge

To truly enjoy life, to see yourself and others in fresh ways, you must be willing to let go of the stories that keep you tied to the past.