

Charts for...

planets ~ like & dislikes in what signs & houses

something easy to read on who likes and dislikes being where in
the astrology chart

I know there is a name for this but can't find what I'm looking for

Thanks for your time


something easy to read on who likes and dislikes being where in
the astrology chart

I suppose you are talking about the essential dignities in Astrology, no? Like rulership, exaltation, detriment and fall. If that's so, Wikipedia has a very nice article about it, HERE.

Hope this helps! :)

Edited to add: Minderwiz had compiled a list of links about essential and accidental dignities that may also be helpful to you:


Marina's post holds well for planets in signs.

There's also a couple of traditional systems that are not in use in Modern Astrology. The first is the system of Joys - the houses that planets like to be in (or are seen as being good placements for them). These only apply to the traditional planets but they are:

Saturn - twelfth House
Jupiter - eleventh
Mars - sixth
Sun - ninth
Venus - fifth
Mercury - first
Moon - third

There is also a system of planetary friends - planets which get on with one another and planetary enemies, ones that don't get on. There are several variants of this system and indeed some Astrologers seem to use two or more of these. The use appears to be quite specialised to certain types of horary questions, strangely enough ones relating to friendship LOL.