Composite: jupiter in 5th, venus in 7th


My friend knew i was studying astrology and asked me a question way out of my league, wondered if anyone here could help...i can then come back to her and sound like a genius?lol

My friend asked is having a composite jupiter in the 5th a good indicator of children in the relationship. She also asked if venus in the 7th was a good indicator of a longterm relationship

Now i did explain that there were other factors around this subject, but i thought it would be worth putting the question out here.

This question got me curious so i looked at different composite charts and was a bit confused, what would people suggest as a composite chart, there is the davidson, the midpoint etc


In the days before I took up Traditional Astrology I dabbled with composite charts and if you look back far enough you may even find the odd one I posted on here.

The approach to composites was defined by John Townley and, to a lesser extent, Rob Hand back in the early 70's. So if you want classic text, try John Townley's 'Composite Charts, The Astrology of Relationships'. Be careful with it, in so much as Townley refers to traditional Astrology but he doesn't mean what we now use the term for, he means Astrology before composite charts.

That being said, he urges Astrologers to start off with the 'traditional' approach - read the natal charts - before going on to look at the composite. In the above book Townley uses midpoints to construct the chart, and that's what I used. I've not tried the others, if Hand and Townley used midpoints, I decided I'd keep to their approach.

The process is quite long if you're going to do it properly, as you've three charts to cast and to read. Coming straight to your main question - Townley and Hand at that time were still heavily under the influence of Jung and the psychological approach, so you will find that Venus in the seventh means that the joy of the relationship is in itself, and Jupiter in the fifth means a relationship focused on creativity, spontaneity and pleasure in sex (strangely for a psychological approach using the right house). Obviously the sign placement would also be considered, again on a modern 'Sun sign basis, as well as aspects. But be warned (again LOL) the natal charts can override the composite, so if you have people who appear incompatible, a wonderful composite may not deliver what it seems to promise.

Since moving to a more traditional approach in the true sense, I've not used composites. To do so would require a significant effort in 'rewriting' the meanings but also in establishing the validity of the method in that context. Instead I'd perhaps use an event chart - one that used the time the two people first realised that they were a 'unit' Really though you ought to be able to do a very good assessment of synastry from the natal charts alone.


Thanks minderwiz,i have rob hands and townleys books, but i know i am not ready to read them yet, i need to go through aspects firsts and nail that properly.

I think its interesting the way the natal, the synastry and the composite all work together or rather sometimes, not work together.