Just got Tarot Tells the Tale..


thinbuddha said:
well.... Contrived is too negative a word for what I'm trying to say. It's just that the whole idea of doing predictive readings for fictional or historical characters when you already know what their "future" path will be bothered me. It is a good exercize for a reader, but maybe not worthy of an entire book with a collection of such readings (and little else). Am I alone here?-tb

No, I thought the same thing, & I'm trusting the author when he states the cards weren't contrived in a throw. But even if so, the knowledge I'm getting from his book is worth it. In many cases, it's pretty humorous. But for someone who wants to learn much more about putting it all together, it's an immense help.

I just started the Celtic Cross reading part. Are there any other books specifically about readings? ie not card meanings, spreads, etc. but sample readings.

Gotta say tho, some of the interpretations were definitely not what I would have come up with, but they were probably intuitive readings. I love it because it got me thinking in new directions.


The crowned one said:
I think it may be my favorite "modern" tarot book. I really enjoyed his take and style. It is not mine, but I enjoyed reading it. Very upbeat writer.
I agree with this. I really enjoyed reading his readings, but more than that I really enjoyed the front section of the book where he discusses in a very quick and simple manner the meanings of numbers, suits, courts, asking questions, and ideas of what kind of 3 card readings work in various situations. To me the readings were just illustrations of this. I also love the Celtic Cross spread at the back of the book.

When starting out with tarot, many of us come with the idea that to be a good reader you have to use a large spread (ie. the Celtic Cross with 10 cards). This book shows you that you can get so much out of 3 cards when you ask the right question and really focus on each card and how they tie together. It is a real building block for looking for patterns and relationships between cards, and a great way to start reading. And it is a very entertaining read.


Has anybody read his book "Tarot- Get The Whole Story"? It's about spreads. I was thinking of buying it online, but I'd like to hear any opinions/reviews first. Thanks :)


I've got Tarot: Get the Whole Story, & I like it a lot. It starts out with a section on creating your own spreads (& modifying existing ones). Then in the main body of the book there is a chapter for each of 15 spreads, and each chapter includes an in-depth sample reading with illustrations*, plus ways to expand/adapt the spread.

*decks used for the (black & white) illustrations are the Universal, Robin Wood, & World Spirit


Just a quick update, and and a request on behalf of James Ricklef:

Tarot Tells the Tale is no longer in print. He has revised the book, and it is now available in either print form or kindle form:

"Tarot Reading Explained: The art of Tarot explained with sample readings"

His books are terrific, so this will be one I would not hesitate in recommending.
