Neuro-Montage Tarot Collective


starting a tarot collective - kindred spirits share their views on tarot, art and psychology in order to create your own deck using found images and symbols

here is a brief intro
want to know more email me at

Neuro – Our bodily senses absorb our collective environment sending messages to our brains via our central nervous systems. Much of how we respond to these messages lies in our subconscious psyche beyond our levels of awareness. Our individual minds choose how we respond to our collective surroundings

Montage – A montage juxtaposes or superimposes multiple images and texts to form an innovative symbolic composition. Montages morph selected images and words that have significant appeal to create an image that reflects ones personal values

Collective – Refers to a group of individual minds performing together as a joint identity, ‘the collective mind’


Materials –

ziplock bags – storing categories of cut-out images
Catalogue categories - animals, males, females, flora etc.

Images – magazines; old calenders; newspapers; street press; second-hand books

Free Postcards – good size format – can be downsized on a colour copier at a later stage

Metallic Gel Pens – adding symbols

Surgical or Hair-dressers scissors for fine cutting

Glue Sticks

Thin card-board or Thick paper sometimes leaves a white border around the contours when cut around – run around the edges with a suitable coloured marker to solve this – or you could make a colour copy of the image, as the paper is thinner

Colour copiers are great for playing with the scale of an image and making multiples of the same image

keep a Tarot Journal to log your journey through the tarot – a blank visual diary is great. Alternatively some bookstores sell divination diary’s that are structured for this use