A Question


When it comes to sizing your cards. Will the publishing company size to fit card stock? Or is it up to the artist to size them before submitting to the publishing company.? Or does it depend on the company your dealing with?
thanks in advance


It depends on the publishing company. Some will want you to send them images that suit their standard sizes, others are willing to print whatever size you prefer your art to be.

2 3/4 inches by 4 3/4 inches is a popular size, so that would be a good proportion to work with.


I'm pretty sure that most tarot publishers have their own sets of standards when it comes to printing decks, so it's best to check with the publishers themselves. Every publisher's site I've visited has a page for submission guidelines, and they're usually not very hard to find.

One thing I noticed publishers frequently suggest is that you make your artwork at least twice the size of the card's final dimensions. That way, you'll be able to fit a lot of detail into what would end up being a tight space.


Thanks so much for the information. I'm far from completeing my first deck. I just needed to know