Madame Endora's (Secret Circle) Study Group: THE SIREN

September Pixie

THE SIREN : A Temptation May Lead You Astray

To make things easier, here is a link to the card:

From The Book:
The siren represents enchantment and dangerous allure. This bewitching water sprite embodies a mysterious and hypnotic influence. A captivating stimulus may incite foolish risk. Resist temptation. Voice your desires.

Open For Discussion :)

September Pixie

The blueness radiating from her says to me that this is an emotional card.. perhaps one that means you need to do some inner reflection, her arms are open and welcoming.. perhaps meaning that she needs to embrace the idea.. the fact that her tale is behind her in a circular motion indicating to look for repeating patterns in your past? I also see this card as a need to be more assertive.


In some ways the Siren reminds me of the Glanconer in the Faeries Oracle ~ although she is much more beautiful.


So often we are blinded by our desires... we make what we want so beautiful and perfect in our mind.... but it isn't real. The destination is often much different than intended due to blind emotion.

The blue in the card reminds me of a phrase I've used to describe members of the opposite sex that are quite pretty but not very bright... "Its like getting a beautiful Tiffany box as a gift - then opening it up to find nothing inside".....

In the Siren's case, there may be "something" inside... but it is important to look beyond the surface.. to dig deep... and to maintain a sense of realism.

Ruby Red Slippers

The Siren

The Siren could also mean that the person is the Siren……They are the temptress rather than the tempted……IMO

We did some one-card readings for everyone in my unit recently during a tumultuous time at work. The Siren came up for the person who had interviewed for my bosses position.
She got the job…..
She was the Siren and she bowled over the guy interviewing her for the job. Her “song” lured him and he said later that he was convinced by her interview that she was the best person for the job.
She’s brilliant, he’s stupid.
He has a reputation for hiring women who are thin, young, very good looking, air-heads who he can control.
The Siren, in this case is overweight & middle aged BUT has a mind sharp as a tack. HAHA….
My Siren is my hero, she sang him a song and lured him into hiring her and convinced him she would be the best.
We couldn’t be happier, She’s Great!


Thanks Pixie! :D
A brilliant start to the discussion in Madame Endora's Study!

This card is so interesting, and has meant a whole slew of different things when it has come up in my readings!

She is so blue and so watery...Like Sept. Pixie, I too think of her as emotional.
In one reading I did for a woman at a fair, The siren represented a transition...from weepy emotional woman, who had just gone through a huge independent, powerful seductive femme fatal woman! She identified with the story of the Little mermaid...who lost her true love to another woman because she didn't "speak up"at the right time.
But I began to tell her about the myths of sirens...mermaids who are temptresses, and lead men to ruin, to claim them as thier own!
She knew then, that she neeeded top stop seeing herself as a victim, and to be strong. It enabled her to see...that even within her own symbolic structure...there was strength and power dewelling deep inside her.

Another time the siren has appeared, it was in a reading I was doing for a young musician, who had just quit his job to join a band. I saw this as a warning card...because he had been convinced of this move by the lead singer of the band....which right away made me think of the cool voice of sirens that lead you to doom!
Turnrd out, that the band wasn't what he needed to be doing at that time, and he regretted listening to the the voice of the singer...who was full of promises and deals that were too good to be true.
luckily he was able to find another job right away...and found another band to play with only on weekends.

I think of the siren as one of those little bright silvery fish that are very fast and very distracting. In readings for myself, she often appears to warn me not to become distracted by the bright shiny things(which sadly...happens to me a lot!)...and to do the work that I need to or intended to. The internet can be shiny and distracting, like the Siren...
as can a brand new tarot deck in the mail! LOL!

September Pixie

Chronata said:
I think of the siren as one of those little bright silvery fish that are very fast and very distracting. In readings for myself, she often appears to warn me not to become distracted by the bright shiny things(which sadly...happens to me a lot!)...and to do the work that I need to or intended to. The internet can be shiny and distracting, like the Siren...
as can a brand new tarot deck in the mail! LOL!

LOL! Perfect description!


I agre, the Siren may very well be the person you are reading for, not some external force on their life.

One other thing that comes to mind for me is that this form could very well be a habit, an addiction calling the person back, luring them with a false sense of security - a link to the past maybe.


Again, this thread has given me many clues to understand better this card. I want to mention that Joseph Vargo is the one who draw the Siren, not Filipak. It is written behind the LWB that the artwork of the deck is made by Filipak and Vargo together. If you compare the Siren with the other characters in the deck, the artworks are different. In the other hand, if you compare the Gothic Tarot and the Siren card, it's the same. I'm so used to see Vargo drawing creatures of the Dead that it's strange to see that he can draw pretty mermaids too. ;)


I'm glad you mentioned the Vargo aspect of this card. It hardly matters, but I wanted you to know Wolfy I also saw the "Vargo look" immediately (and wrote of it in the recent past in the Gothic forum as well, I remember).

The mermaid holds her arms open, an invitation. Who or what is inviting you at this time? Who or what are you inviting into your world, at this time? And to whose best interest is this party acting?

The Siren is a self-serving creature. That is not bad, as we often think self-serving equates self-centered/selfish. On the contrary, she is a creature who uses her talents to meet her needs, whatever they may be.

She knows how to use her physical prowess, and her voice, to manipulate people.

For no good reason, I wonder at the gold bangles on her arms and wrists. Sirens find/steal what they need, from the dead if that's what the driftwood brings in. Is there an element of trickery, or deceit, to the current situation as well, with the motivating factor behind the action being that it is "self-serving"?

I really had a thing for mermaid art for a long time in my past.

The cocooned eyes disturb me. She looks like she is either blinking... or looking through her lids at me. Not a pleasant feeling. Reminds me of those deep-ocean fish with the milk-white eyes that look like barnacled creatures from another planet. This metaphor could indicate "having one's eyes closed" in the situation at hand, or about this Siren's true nature. Or, it could be a "You are being watched, although you don't know it" message.