Historic Decks Timeline


Historic decks timeline: Help me build one!

By snooping around here and other random places, I have come up with a list of decks published up to 1909, including early esoteric decks.

(This project started with me wondering what decks would have been around in the Napoleonic era, the years of Jane Austen and Jonathan Strange. :cool: But it started to take on a life of its own!)

Please, please give me corrections and additions! There are decks at the end of the list for which I don't have the date. (I'm really curious about a date for the 1JJ Swiss . . . )

Here's the list: please give me corrections and additions!

Historic Decks Timeline

1442 Cary-Yale Visconti
1450 Este Tarot http://brbl-dl.library.yale.edu/vufind/Record/3432694
1451 Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo Visconti
1460 I Tarocchi del Mantegna
1463 Brera-Brambilla Visconti
1491 Sola Busca
1634 Tarocco Bolognese de G.M. Mitelli 1634-1718
1650 Noblet
1650 Vieville
1701 Dodal
1709 Madenie
1713 Jean Pierre Payen, in Avignon
1718 Heri
1725 Minchiate Etruria
1727 Jean François Tourcaty, in Marseille
1730 François Heri (Tarot de Besancon Pattern) , in Soleure/Solothurn, Switzerland
1736 Chosson
1742 Pierre Cheminade, in Serratello
1751 Burdel
1760 Conver
1780 Ancient Tarot of Bologna
1780 Flamand, Vandendorre Bacchus
1789 Grand Etteilla (Etteilla I)
1804 Tarocco di Marsiglia Swizzera
1810 Ancient Tarot of Lombardy, Neoclassico
1830 Epinal
1830 Tarocco Della Rocca F Gumppemberg Milano
1835 Soprafino, Classic Tarot
1838 Grand Etteilla II (Lismon) first printed in the book "Grand Livre de Thot"
1840 Tarocco di 78 carte F. Gumppenberg Milano
1843 Grand Etteilla Le jeu de la Princesse Tarot (Wattilliaux)
1845 Tarocco Italiano Fabbrica Dotti Milano
1850 Gioco Di Tarocchi Italiano Milano, 1850
1860 Ancient Tarot of Liguria-Piedmont
1863 Grand Tarot Belline???
1865 Grand Etteilla III Grand Jeu de l'oracle des Dames (Regamey) (LS Book of Thoth Etteilla)
1880s Ancient Italian (copy of Soprafino)
1880 Tarocchino Milanese A Doppia Figura
1880 Tarocco Lombardo Milan
1880 Tarot Italien (Arnoult-Lequart)
1889 Oswald Wirth’s Les 22 Arcanes du Tarot Kabbalistique
1891 Tarot Italien (Arnoult-Grimaud)
1893 Vacchetta, Tarot of the Master
1895 22 Archani
1896 Falconnier/Wegener Egyptian deck
1906 (or 1903?)Tarot Catalán, also called the Egiziano (Egyptian Tarot), by Dr. Moorne (Francisco Moreno)
1909 Le Tarot Divinatoire (Papus) (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papus)
1909 Rider Waite Smith
1909 Eudes Picard's tarot with illustrated pips

Tarot de Paris
1JJ Swiss


Nice work, rachelcat. :thumbsup:

I was under the impression that Tarot Flamand is the same deck as Vandenborre Bacchus. :?:

Yves Le Marseillais

Made in Marseille and Serratello

1727 Jean François TOURCATY
1742 Pierre CHEMINADE

Yves Le Marseillais

Made in Avignon

1713 Jean Pierre PAYEN

Yves Le Marseillais

Made in Soleure/Solothurn SWISS

1730 François HERI (Tarot de Besancon Pattern)


Thank you folks! Updating!


Good job!


Wow, this is great rachelcat. Thank you! :)


Wow this is fantastic, thank you! I've always had a foggy timeline of my own knocking about in my mental Rolodex, but there were too many holes. Lots more to explore now. . . .

I always thought the 1JJ Swiss was originally published sometime between 1830-1835, but I can't find my source for that now.


Carolus ZoyaTarot de Marseille, Turin, the end of 1700s