The Book of The Law Study Group 3.74

Starri Knytes

I :heart:


That line , to me, has shades of Mercury as Psychopomp.


This reminds me of The Moon card. Kephri the scarab holding the sun, but hidden below the horizon at midnight. This reminds me also of the dual nature of Heru-ra-ha, an active daytime and passive nighttime variation.


Maybe Hadit here takes the place of the sun, and midnight is Nuit, "she shall be known & I never." Combine the two, and you have the Son who, even when hidden, is still splendid (in refutation of the Dying God).


Going back a step.....

If you look at the 5x13 layout of the 'sheets' - - you can see that sheet 33 (11th of second chap.) is right in the middle. On that 'sheet' the exclamation mark ! after the word, rejoice, seems to be the central point of the whole tableau. That makes me think of Crowley's commentary on O! in The Book of Lies.

Also the verse in which the ! appears is number 44. A number sacred to Horus.
II:44 said:
Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.

The current chapter and verse written as a number is 374. This is the value of the Hebrew, ShMChVK - Rejoice!
Liber Tzaddi said:
3. Children of Earth! rejoice! rejoice exceedingly; for your salvation is at hand.

Like Grigori, I also see a reference to Atu XVIII The Moon in this verse. It is the card of midnight, the sun below the horizon in the underworld. But despite that it still shines.
This is the perspective of the pre-Adept, unable to perceive the radiant sun. But nevertheless their sun still shines brightly within no matter how obscured it may be by the veils of the self. As ever it is always darkest before the Dawn.
Aleister Crowley said:
Whatever horrors may afflict the soul, whatever abominations may excite the loathing of the heart, whatever terrors may assail the mind, the answer is the same at every stage: "How splendid is the Adventure!"

I find it curious that the previous verse told us to behold (Heh), and now this verse appears to have a connection to Lamed(verse 74=LMD) and Qoph. Looking at the Liber Tav table again their they are on the fifth column from the right.
One interpretation of this might be that Revelation (Heh) acting through the mechanism of cause-and-effect (Lamed) produces the effect seen in Qoph-Atu XVIII as we wend our way through life towards self knowledge. The sun of midnight is ever the son.

3 x 74 = 222. A few suggestive gematria hits are:

BKR - Firstborn.
BRK - Bless.
RKB - Chariot (Atu VII? 418)


There is a splendour in my name? Which name? Heru-Ra-Ha?

HRV RA HA = 418. Ok, no great mystery there.

HRV = 211.

ARI - Lion.
GBVR - Strong.
HARH - A flash; lightning.
HDBR - The Word.

RA = 201

AR - Light.
NVGH(64) - Venus (Splendour!) spelt in plenitude: NVN, VV, GML, HH. (106+12+73+10=201)

HA = 6

The splendour link is nice, but I can't see anything amazing.