the two of pentacles

mike gorth

Why does the snake have a crown?


well....i dont see a snake with a crown on it in the two of pentacles, is that the card you are talking about? What deck is it?


In Gerd Ziegler's book Tarot: Mirror of the Soul, he writes:

"A huge snake, symbol for infinity. This signifies perpetual change.
Changes shake us up and wake us up. The crown on the snake's head is a symbol of wakefulness."

"Indication: Your life is subject to a constant change which allows you to grow, extending and expanding you, ultimately enriching you."

The crown could represent the crowning achievement, a symbol of reaching the highest goal. Being transformed into your ultimate self through change.

Rusty Neon

Crown on the serpent of the 2 of Disks

I'm interested in hearing from other Forumites. Interestingly, Crowley doesn't mention it in _Book of Thoth_.

A symbol for Kether (the first Sephira on the tree of life, corresponding to the Aces) is the crown. Perhaps Crowley is highlighting in the 2 of Disks a linkage between the second Sephera (to which the Twos correspond) and the first Sephira.

Crowley writes about the 2 of Disks:

One may in fact consider the card as the picture of the complete manifested Universe, in respect of its dynamics.

mike gorth

thanks strange2 and yes it is the thoth tarot. That's why I put it in the THOTH forum. That makes sense I guess. I usually tie a snke with danger but I don't see the 2 of pents a 'danger' card. Thanks again strange2

Mike Gorth


Mike gorth said:
I usually tie a snke with danger

Hi Mike,

Snakes symbolise a lot of things - I've never particularly heard them associated with danger though, any reason why you think of them in this way?

The snake is often seen as a symbol of transformation, rejuvination and rebirth because of it's ability to shed it's skin.
It's sometimes seen as a symbol of enlightenment because of it's association with the serpent Goddess Kundalini which lies coiled around the base chakra and moves up through the chakras as the individual becomes more enlightened.


Sulis xx


mike gorth said:
thanks strange2 and yes it is the thoth tarot. That's why I put it in the THOTH forum. That makes sense I guess.


I shouldve seen that....sorry.

mike gorth

don't be sorry rainwolf. I once said something about thoth and then after I posted it, I realized I was in the thoth forum. <Comment removed by moderator> You just had a blonde moment.


I hate snakes. I'm scared of them and when I think of them I think of venom. Venom kills and so I think of danger. I'm scared of snakes and little insects except lady bugs. I could see the rebirth part of the snake with the shedding thing. But I could never touch a snake, even if someone paid me.
