Health and Eclipse.


Good morning to all.

I would like to know, what house or planet has to do with health in your birthchart???
Also, there is a solar eclipse happening on july 11 in gemini, what kind of influence, if any, could this have on gemini people????

thank you in advance.


6th house covers health, as well as employees.

Several planets touch upon health matters: the Sun, for its energy and vitality, as well as the heart, the circulatory system and the thymus; the Moon influences your digestive system, your stomach, breasts, ovaries and menstruation, as well as the pancreas; Venus influences your lower back, your veins, your parathyroids, your throat and your kidneys; Saturn will have an influence on your bones, your aging process, your spleen and your bladder; Mars affects male genitals, your muscles and your adrenals; Jupiter rules the liver and the pituitary glands; it is sanguine so rules the blood; Mercury influences your nervous system, brain, respiratory system, thyroid and sense organs.

There are also traditional rulerships of parts of the body by the signs, which will have an effect on the health of these areas.

And your temperament (you will have a dominant temperament out of the 4) is likely to tell you what your weak and strong points are.


Three houses for primary consideration

The FIRST house represents our physical experience of our world, our attitude and vitality. All of this bears on our health.

The SIXTH house is where we adjust to life (the first), and when we are out of balance we can become "dis-comfortable" and promote "dis-ease" within ourselves. So, the sixth is often seen as representing physical health.

The TWELTH house is often seen in relation to our mental health, our fears and uncertainty, those secret things that we keep private and hidden but which are often so apparent to others. These things carry over directly to the first house where our attitude to life is affected, in turn causing us a need to adjust how we live our life --- we can get sick over an inability to deal with life.

The planets have been adequately dealt with in the prior post of Sophie. Dave


The first house as Dave says signifies our body, mind and spirit and so general health can be assessed from the condition of the ruler of the Ascendant, the Ascendant sign and planets in the first house.

The sixth house traditionally relates to disease or illness (along with other things such as pets and small animals and our servants). You wouldn't read the sixth other than for specific illness or disease in a health reading, except possibly as supporting evidence if the first indicates a weak body or one prone to disease/illness.

Will the eclipse affect your health - usually eclipses are more important for groups than for individuals, however, if the eclipse falls within one degree of your natal Sun or Moon or from one of your angles, then it could well be important to you. So an eclipse falling on your Ascendant, or Sun or Moon in the first house might indicate a health issue.

If you are suffering from some illness and your Sun or Moon is in the sixth then again there might be some health effect.

In either case you should not assume that the effect will be negative - it might be a positive effect, especially in the case of a solar eclipse, which can represent a new beginning.


Sophie said:
6th house covers health, as well as employees.

Several planets touch upon health matters: the Sun, for its energy and vitality, as well as the heart, the circulatory system and the thymus; the Moon influences your digestive system, your stomach, breasts, ovaries and menstruation, as well as the pancreas; Venus influences your lower back, your veins, your parathyroids, your throat and your kidneys; Saturn will have an influence on your bones, your aging process, your spleen and your bladder; Mars affects male genitals, your muscles and your adrenals; Jupiter rules the liver and the pituitary glands; it is sanguine so rules the blood; Mercury influences your nervous system, brain, respiratory system, thyroid and sense organs.

There are also traditional rulerships of parts of the body by the signs, which will have an effect on the health of these areas.

And your temperament (you will have a dominant temperament out of the 4) is likely to tell you what your weak and strong points are.

Thanks Sophie, I'll get my chart out and check all this out.


dadsnook2000 said:
The FIRST house represents our physical experience of our world, our attitude and vitality. All of this bears on our health.

The SIXTH house is where we adjust to life (the first), and when we are out of balance we can become "dis-comfortable" and promote "dis-ease" within ourselves. So, the sixth is often seen as representing physical health.

The TWELTH house is often seen in relation to our mental health, our fears and uncertainty, those secret things that we keep private and hidden but which are often so apparent to others. These things carry over directly to the first house where our attitude to life is affected, in turn causing us a need to adjust how we live our life --- we can get sick over an inability to deal with life.

The planets have been adequately dealt with in the prior post of Sophie. Dave

I've read this about the 12th house before, but mine doesn't have any planets in it, so I really dont know how to interpret that only that it falls in Pisces.


jfiallo0982 said:
I've read this about the 12th house before, but mine doesn't have any planets in it, so I really dont know how to interpret that only that it falls in Pisces.

Well you would judge by the condition of Jupiter, as ruler of the twelfth both in terms of essential and accidental dignity - sign and house placement.

There's a good. book by Mitchell Gibson MD called 'Signs of Mental Illness', which takes a modern look at mental conditions by planetary aspect and placement.


Minderwiz said:
The first house as Dave says signifies our body, mind and spirit and so general health can be assessed from the condition of the ruler of the Ascendant, the Ascendant sign and planets in the first house.

The sixth house traditionally relates to disease or illness (along with other things such as pets and small animals and our servants). You wouldn't read the sixth other than for specific illness or disease in a health reading, except possibly as supporting evidence if the first indicates a weak body or one prone to disease/illness.

Will the eclipse affect your health - usually eclipses are more important for groups than for individuals, however, if the eclipse falls within one degree of your natal Sun or Moon or from one of your angles, then it could well be important to you. So an eclipse falling on your Ascendant, or Sun or Moon in the first house might indicate a health issue.

If you are suffering from some illness and your Sun or Moon is in the sixth then again there might be some health effect.

In either case you should not assume that the effect will be negative - it might be a positive effect, especially in the case of a solar eclipse, which can represent a new beginning.

My ascendant is Aries, but I only have Venus in Taurus in the first house, is trine the moon but opposite Jupiter. Can you tell me what kind of health issue that could be?? I have not had any mayor decease (yet) but I have alot of issues with my nerves, like anxiety and stuff. I have mercury as one of my dominant planets, but it doesn't seem to be afflicted, only opposite Uranus.
On the eclipse, I was not referring to a effect on health necessarily, just an overall influence.
Thank you everybody for your time.


Minderwiz said:
Well you would judge by the condition of Jupiter, as ruler of the twelfth both in terms of essential and accidental dignity - sign and house placement.

There's a good. book by Mitchell Gibson MD called 'Signs of Mental Illness', which takes a modern look at mental conditions by planetary aspect and placement.

That makes alot of sense to me now, given that my Jupiter is in on Scorpio in the 7th house. Wow you learn so much here!!! I'll check that book out, it sounds very interesting.


It's worth pointing out that we should take some care with our analysis. The traditional medical approach was to confine readings relating to disease or illness to special charts constructed for the purpose - decumbiture charts - and timed for the moment that the person first became ill, usually taking to their bed (hence the name).

The natal chart might produce important related information about temperament and the body, mind and spirit, and tendencies to possible diseases but it would not give any real information about the specific problem of the moment. The sixth house, of the decumbiture chart provided the specifics for the particular illness, whether physical or mental (though there was no clear theory of mental illness). The chart would also yield information about the physician or surgeon, the current treatment and the likely outcome.

The use of the twelfth for 'mental illness' is a modern innovation and seems to be based on two (probably erroneous) views. The first is the 'Astrological Alphabet' approach - Neptune = Pisces = Twelfth House and Neptune is the planet of disordered minds. The second is from the traditional view of the twelfth as the House of Witchcraft - and runs something like this - ' there's no such thing as witchcraft, it's just primitive people misunderstanding mental illness and so the twelfth should really be the house of mental illness'.

Dave rightly points out that the twelfth is associated with the 'hidden' and again mental illness is often associated with what you can't see (though clearly in a lot of cases it does produce overt behavioural changes).

The traditional approach identifies that someone is clearly ill before speculating on cause - they would never diagnose an illness from the natal chart. Whilst Gibson does uses natal charts, he is careful to indicate that his research is based on diagnosed disorders and that you cannot generalise from those to the public at large who might have the same natal chart configurations. I've seen too many Astrological Consultants who do appear to generalise, if only by omission, from the particular cases of diagnosed disorders to anyone and everyone having those Astrological features and, in effect, worrying a great number of people without any just cause.

Incidentally Gibson doesn't use the sixth or the twelfth houses - he looks for statistical links between sufferers of specific mental disorders and chart structures, all of which (from memory) are planet related in terms of aspects, parallels and elevation.