Daily Hour-By-Hour Spread. REALLY need help w/ this one.


My Day Ahead Hour By Hour Reading for 9-19-14

Spread Card Positions

Card 1: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (Morning)--10 Pentacles
Prosperity in morning undertakings, especially art and writing.

Card 2: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. (Afternoon)--5 Swords
Streak of bad luck in the afternoon accompanied by sadness.

Card 3: 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Evening)--Priestess
Spiritual and in tune psychically.

Card 4: 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. (Night)--Knight Pentacles
Someone will bring me happiness/someone working to make me happy behind the scenes.

Card 5-6: Underlying currents throughout your day.--2 & 7 Swords
I don’t have the guts to do/say something. I’m feeling cowardly for some odd reason. Maybe I’ll meet a guy early on and feel embarrassed about not flirting with him.

Chimera Dust

10 Pentacles
You may feel accomplished during the morning, and even have enough time to relax instead of working.

5 Swords
You may feel very confident about some kind of confrontation, but you may need to remember that you should save your strength for something more productive and that sometimes you need to put your ego aside.

You may be feeling insightful or learn something new. Maybe something that wasn’t obvious to you before will suddenly become clearer, for example. Or maybe you’ll just be feeling the need to withdraw a bit and go through your ideas and thoughts.

Knight Pentacles
You may have some work to do, or you may feel impatient about something. Otherwise, you may do something (work, an activity for fun, etc.) that involves working at your own pace.

2 & 7 Swords
You’ll feel indecisive about things, maybe feel the need to take some time to think about ideas that you’re feeling torn about (2). You may need to watch out for people lying to you or trying to deceive you (or you may deceive yourself about something), or generally think on your feel and use your brain (7).


10 Pentacles
You may feel accomplished during the morning, and even have enough time to relax instead of working.

5 Swords
You may feel very confident about some kind of confrontation, but you may need to remember that you should save your strength for something more productive and that sometimes you need to put your ego aside.

You may be feeling insightful or learn something new. Maybe something that wasn’t obvious to you before will suddenly become clearer, for example. Or maybe you’ll just be feeling the need to withdraw a bit and go through your ideas and thoughts.

Knight Pentacles
You may have some work to do, or you may feel impatient about something. Otherwise, you may do something (work, an activity for fun, etc.) that involves working at your own pace.

2 & 7 Swords
You’ll feel indecisive about things, maybe feel the need to take some time to think about ideas that you’re feeling torn about (2). You may need to watch out for people lying to you or trying to deceive you (or you may deceive yourself about something), or generally think on your feel and use your brain (7).

This was posted for yesterday and was about yesterday and you're spot on with what happened, especially the night time part. Thank yoU :)