"AS ABOVE SO BELOW" From Majors to Courts & vice


I am trying to deepen in the meaning of the Court Cards, not in an esoteric way, but to apply directly in readings, and I have been thinking that when the Tarot was created it was tried that these were a mundane representation of the Mayors.
The reasons could have been many, but what concerns me now is to find the most exact relationships, or at least the most useful ones.
There are some about which i have less doubts, they are these:

The Devil- King of Wands
Strength - Queen of Wands
The Fool- Knight of Wands

Hierophant- King of Cups
High Priestess- Queen of Cups
Lovers- Knight of Cups

The Emperor- King of Pentacles
The Empress- Queen of Pentacles

Chariot- King of Swords
Justice- Queen of Swords
The Tower- Knight of Swords

My more serious doubts are for:

Page of Wands- Magician (new energy and motivation?)

Page of Cups- Temperance (starting to handle the power to see and health?

Knight of Pentacles- Wheel of Fortune ( material success, change in material stuffs?)
Page of Pentacles- Magician (start to materialize things?)

Page of Swords- the Hanged Man ( power but contained, a diferent way to see things but still can't do nothing with that...learning but with sacrifice?)

Where The Hermit? with the Knight of Cups too?
And Death with the Page of Swords? No violence as the Knight but even using the sharp blade of its sword to change and reborn? or perhaps The Death hasn't any relation? The only card with no any representation at the mundane world, because it takes you out from it?

Which changes would you do?

And the other fives (The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and The World) are not contained here, I believe that those are the true " Mayor Triumphs" and that they respond to universal and stellar forces, of those that the human destination would depend.

Can you help me?
Thanks in advance :) !



Hi a wonderful idea you thought of, never occured to me, lol. Anyway here is my thoughts of how you would base them...

King of wands-Emperor
Queen of wands-empress
Knight of wands-strength
Page of wands-Temperence

King of Cups-Hanged man
Queen of Cups-high preistess
Knight of cups-Chariot
Page of cups-Lovers

King of swords-Magician
Queen of Swords-Justice
Knight of Swords-Tower
Page of Swords-Fool

King coins-Devil
Queen Coins-Hermit
Knight coins-Death
Page coins-Heriophant

I think the remaining 5 equals a pentagram, 5 points into a star. This is quite interesting, thanks for the mental activity, :)



Hi, to add would be the elements of the star...Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Just an added note.



Thank you Serpenta, and I cannot stop to tell you that you have left me perplexed with the differences between your assignments and mine!
Maybe should clarify that I have tried to avoid base me on the classic astrological attributions, and only concentrating on the images of the RWS, Universal Waite, and Tarot of the New Vision, besides the traditionally assigned general meanings.

In this way, for example, i encounter that in general the seated figures are very similar to the kings and queens, also seated, the relationship among the Queen of Wands, a woman of open legs next to her Cat, and the woman of the Strenght next to her Lion, The Fool ready to jump with the Knight of Wands that also throws without thinking it too much, the marriage of the Kings of Cups with that of the Priestess and Hierophant for me is obvious, as well as that of the Kings of Pentacles with the Emperor and Empress too( the image of the King and The Emperor is almost identical), the Knight of Swords destroying almost like in the same Tower, in the New Vision deck it is clearer still, contrary to the Queen, the King of Swords doesn't solve the contradictions(as the Justice and the Queen), but it manages them, just as the auriga of the Chariot,...etc, etc... that is to say that for me there are many, many likeness among these images, but perhaps only in the sense that Pamela Colman Smith wanted to give them? I don't know why but I imagine that she had serious reasons to make it!

Which deck are you using?

I find the idea of the star with the following cards very interesting!


Hi, I chose them for 2 reasons, 1 for the astrological description and the intuitive feel of some of them, I am using the Original Rider Waite version deck. Your combos make sense too, very interesting, I noticed mine when I was reading them in a reading that they make very much sense too, I guess it molds to your intuition, as everyones. Thanks for the feedback, yes again I thank you for your info very enlightening...



For the star configuration look at this:


And if you look at this the four cherubs in the golden dawn, and elsewhere:


Now the sun is spirit because it is what we have to live a source of all life...

This configuration may not make any sense for anyone, but it shows a pattern, we all are one, so why cant the cards represent other tarot astrology patterns as for them they are all one in the end too, anyway just a theory could be wrong, could be right thats why its up to debate...anyway looking forward to your and others comments,



SerpentaAzothi said:
This configuration may not make any sense for anyone, but it shows a pattern, we all are one, so why cant the cards represent other tarot astrology patterns as for them they are all one in the end too, anyway just a theory could be wrong, could be right thats why its up to debate

YES! That's what I meant too! It seems we are in the same frequency!

And now, do you understand what this might implicate?
For example, when in a reading a Court Card pop up, if you aren't clear about it you only should think in the Mayor bellow, or more even, you might take out the Mayors of the entire deck and use only the courts with the pips, or vice versa! Perhaps this is why traditionally many time ago some expert readers were using only the Minors or only the Mayors.

And so there are many relations you can do based in this system.
There's something really big here, i'm sure!!!

Now, about your correlations of the "star", it seems really make sense, if you look The World card, you have exactly that! It looks like saying "We are 5, every one of a different element, and we are those who remain".

I start to feel very anxious.

The problem is to find the exact correlations…

We need more opinions! Please someone?



Hi, yes I guess we are on the same frequency, a lot of correlations. Yes I do realize that they can mirror the majors, this implicates a lot. Yes this star really does make sense, fascinating. Yes we need more people in the thread sharing their thoughts...So anyone come and join, new blood needed! :) Anyway come join the fun....



Page of Wands - Fire - Judgement
Knight of Wands - Sagittarius - Temperance
Queen of Wands - Aries - Emperor
King of Wands - Leo - Strength

Page of Cups - Water - Hanged Man
Knight of Cups - Pisces - Moon
Queen of Cups - Cancer - Chariot
King of Cups - Scorpio - Death

Page of Pentacles - Earth - (for me, The Devil)
Knight of Pentacles - Virgo - Hermit
Queen of Pentacles - Capricorn - Devil
King of Pentacles - Taurus - Hierophant

Page of Swords - Air - Magician (or Fool)
Knight of Swords - Gemini - Lovers
Queen of Swords - Libra - Justice
King of Swords - Aquarius - Star

Book "T" - Tarot

Fool (or Magician) - Mercury :. Gemini or Virgo
HPS - Moon :. Cancer
Empress - Venus :. Taurus or Libra
Wheel - Jupiter :. Sag or Pisces
Tower - Mars :. Scorpio or Aries
Sun - Sun :. Leo
World - Saturn :. Capricorn or Aquarius

Introduction to the Planets

Also, try The Hidden and Secret Meanings: The Court Cards --Part II


I thank your effort and contribution Kilts_knave, but I'm just trying to find a new system of correlations. I know the classical astrological attributions, but the thru is that is hard to me handle them. For example:
For example:
How you can see the Knight of Wands, with his power and sense for adventure with a card so quiet as Temperance?
Or the Queen of Cups with the Chariot, that being a card of mind power and fight, might be more related with the Swords?
How can the King of Pentacles, more related with earth, material, economic and the physical senses, to say something, be attributed to the Hierophant, an obvious card of spiritual and religious power?
Do you understand me?
Please, don't take this as a personal critic, I know that you are using a lot of classical knowledge and great authors; I'm not trying to offend anybody.

I'm just looking for a new approach, more based in the images and meaning of the cards themselves.