Witches/Gypsy Runes


Ok so i thought i would use this space to show my homemade Witches Runes.
I use the 13 Rune set rather than the 8.
The runes are not letters but pictorial symbols.
These are the 13 "runes", I have added a very basic meaning of each rune plus a Tarot relation.

1.Sun (Happiness-Completion-Clarity) tr-The Sun-The World
2.Moon(Intuition-Transition-Change over a long period-Hidden Attributes) tr The Moon-The High Priestess
3.Star(Hopes and Dreams-Rejuvenation-Green Light to go ahead) tr The Star
4.Man(Authority-Paternal Instincts-Male Energy) tr The Emperor
5.Romance(Love-Sex-Relationships) tr The Lovers
6.Woman(Nurturing-Maternal Instincts-Female Energy) tr The Empress
7.Harvest(Your actions having consequences-Growth over time) tr Justice-The Empress-Temperance
8.Rings(Connection-Groups-Strength to one another) The Hierophant-The Lovers-Strength
9.Crossroads(Choices-Change of Direction) tr Wheel of Fortune - The Chariot
10.Flight(Travel-Information-Communication) tr The Chariot
11.Waves(Chaos-Out of control-Go with the flow-Being moved spiritually) tr The Moon-The High Priestess-The Hermit
12.Eye(Psychic energy-intuition-seeing from another's eyes) tr The High Priestess-The Hanged Man
13.Scythe(Danger-Anger-Conflict-Sudden Endings-Sacrifice) tr The Tower-Death-Hanged Man

Like I said this is a very very basic run of the meanings.
here is some more indepth info

The Witches/Gypsy runes are a great divination tool and really would recommend anyone to give them ago, especially if they are somewhat fearing of the Futhark 24 Runes.

Finally these are the 3 sets I have created.




Well they you have it, if anyone has made their own Witches/Gypsy runes please post the on here =]

Love and Light everyone


Very nice! You have inspired me to create my own :).


I've never seen runes in that style before Dan and it's inspiring me as well! thanks for sharing your gorgeous one's :) :thumbsup:


These are fantastic!! Great job, Dan!



Cool! I didn't know you had made your own. Here are my unfinished ones:

It's not a very good image but I filled the clay with glitter and as I shaped them by hand my hand print is all over the surface. I am going to paint more colour onto them and neaten them up.


Wow.. All these rune pics look like edible candy and gum pieces. :)

I happen to know how much fun it is to make your own runes. Enjoy..


I have been debating whether or not to add 5 new ones. Magnet(conflicting or opposing energies.)And then one for each season mainly for some kind of timing with issues. Thoughts =]


I have been debating whether or not to add 5 new ones. Magnet(conflicting or opposing energies.)And then one for each season mainly for some kind of timing with issues. Thoughts =]

Sure, I don't see why not. This is your practice and you have already built your own set so if it helps you and is what you need then there to me there is no reason not to. You can always just make them and if they don't feel right you don't have to keep using them.



Alright! I finished them:



Fantastic sweetie, they look awesome =]