what would happen if an angel died?


I don't want to know but I think I was about to find out if I let myself have the third in a sequence of dreams I had sometime during the night. I've been dreaming a lot recently, mostly I can't remember them and the ones I remember I write down and try to sort out whether it was for my own personal entertainment or trying to tell me something. I don't have nightmares like I hear other people having, I can usually change the course of the dream to have resolution. Last night was a little different. In both my first and second dream an angel was putting himself in "mortal" danger but the dreams ended before the angel actually got hurt. The second dream came really close though because I forced myself to wake up. I had a coherent thought that angels can't die but I was going to find out what would happen if that weren't true if I didn't do something. So I got up, changed the place and position to fall asleep and subsequently had a completely unrelated dream that was literally like I was seeing things through a haze. What I don't know is why my mind conjured up an angel in that kind of danger and what I can do tonight before I go to bed so that I don't have a continuation because this is one of those instances where it's distinctly possible. Any ideas?


I don't want to know but I think I was about to find out if I let myself have the third in a sequence of dreams I had sometime during the night. I've been dreaming a lot recently, mostly I can't remember them and the ones I remember I write down and try to sort out whether it was for my own personal entertainment or trying to tell me something. I don't have nightmares like I hear other people having, I can usually change the course of the dream to have resolution. Last night was a little different. In both my first and second dream an angel was putting himself in "mortal" danger but the dreams ended before the angel actually got hurt. The second dream came really close though because I forced myself to wake up. I had a coherent thought that angels can't die but I was going to find out what would happen if that weren't true if I didn't do something. So I got up, changed the place and position to fall asleep and subsequently had a completely unrelated dream that was literally like I was seeing things through a haze. What I don't know is why my mind conjured up an angel in that kind of danger and what I can do tonight before I go to bed so that I don't have a continuation because this is one of those instances where it's distinctly possible. Any ideas?

I can't answer "what would happen if an Angel died" - you'd just have to find out in your dream. But you are reluctant/afraid to find out? Why?
And is the Angel somehow and aspect of yourself?

I am a Lucid dreamer like yourself (i.e. - I can control the outcome of my dreams because I am conscious that I am dreaming during them. And I can force myself to wake up if I don't like the dream and don't want to follow through with it). I also do write them down - not so often anymore as these days , as I usually recognise what they mean or what my subconscious is trying to work out (for many years I religiously wrote in a dream diary to discover my patterns).
Nightmare come when I stressed - and I recognise them as products of whatever the stressor is at the time. Whether it's illness or emotional things from troubled relationships, worries about work, etc.
If I have a nightmare I don't want to repeat - I usually "program" myself just before I fall asleep - by repeating to myself over and over "I will not dream bad dreams tonight" - or some similar affirmation.
If I know the nightmare is related to a stressor that will not be ending for sometime - then I just accept I shall be having a re-curring nightmare for a while and during dreaming I consciously "pay less attention to it", and/or do the "waking myself up and gong to sleep again thing" to get on with skipping over it.

Did it resolve?


Thank you for your reply, I did something similar to what you suggested that night actually, along with sleeping somewhere different because my therapist suggested that a while back if I was having a run of nightmares. I made sure to surround myself with fun positive things before going to bed (light tv shows) to try to inundate myself with things instead of worrying. I don't want to know what would happen if an angel could die because I strongly feel it's not something I should know. Like it's forbidden knowledge and if it's not then I'm not ready for it anyway.


Tanga is right about changing the end of a dream, it's a great idea if you have a reoccurring dream to see what happens if you challenge it or end the dream with confidence in some way. I kept dreaming of being chased by a giant snake (which is a massive anxiety symbolism dream) and turning around to face it, rather than running 'solved' the dream!

I want to come at this from a different angle and look into Angels dying and I researched into it on google and found huge theological debate into this. In some sections of the bible there is direct reference that Angels cannot die and in other sections calling them Immortal (which is Latin for not dying) but the Immortal quotes are interpreted differently by different religious folk and Jesus died and so there is huge religious debate about this matter. So it's not known if they can or not or there is arguments both sides. So that is the theory part of the dream.

But another angle on this is that often people use this as some sort of moral punishment. when people say "if you do this *bad thing* an angel dies". It's normally something seen as negative by society or lewd. That quote seemed to be similar to your dream theme to me, the angel dies as a punishment consequence. Did the angels get hurt or die, saving something because of you? This dream had such themes of guilt, clearing up something because it was your responsibility. That seems terribly hard on yourself if it in some way because of you or guilt, we all make mistakes. If the angels are not dying because of something you did but someone else, there is a consequences and saving the situation there as well. Perhaps it's about someone who protects and picks up the pieces and sorts everything out, a lot of responsibility there. For me these dreams are less about the horror of the angel being injured or dying but the reason they end up that way. I think it's a message that something is left undealt with in life and it's eating at you in dreams. hope you can get to the bottom of it and just some ideas :)


if you believe in angels aren't they by their very nature already dead?


It was a third perspective dream so thankfully I wasn't the cause of the trouble...but other people in the dreams definitely were. I've had dreams that were worse than this (leaving a similar residual uneasiness) but they were ones I could sort out. My life is pretty peaceful, boring even, but I am pretty content. However if I do have another dream like those two then I may just stick it out, face what happens, maybe it'll help me out with my spiritual life, or something. Angels are a tricky thing with me, I don't think of them as alive, but I don't see them as dead either.


Same as the death of any illusion. You just grow up a bit and move on.


...I don't want to know what would happen if an angel could die because I strongly feel it's not something I should know. Like it's forbidden knowledge and if it's not then I'm not ready for it anyway.

"Not something you should know" - I would disagree - as if that was the case you wouldn't be seeing it in the first place (whether Angels are alive or dead etc... is a separate issue. I'd never thought of this before. I figured as they're supposedly immortal - they cannot die. But then what about all those stories of those who choose to "fall" and become mortal and then die? Interesting debate... And in any case - we'll never real "know" anyway. :) ...assuming...).

"Not ready for it" - OK. Don't go there if you intuitively feel you cannot do so yet.


Just as an example of "facing a dream" - here's one of mine:
I am prone to bladder and kidney infections...
If I dream that I am fighting vampires (and remember all my dreaming is Lucid - so I am aware that I am dreaming whilst I dream and can manipulate the dreams) - then I know that it means I am fighting a bladder or kidney infection that may need antibiotics to clear it.
So I usually make great efforts in the dream to win the fight (by whatever means - it can be making a crafty escape or coming to an agreement with the vampires). If I win, I know that when I wake up, with effort and care (home remedies of raw cranberry juice, lots of water and Uva ursi tinctures etc.) I can overcome the infection without medical help.
If I loose - I know that when I wake up I must immediately go to my doctor and get some antibiotics.