Ibiza Tarot Solei Kickstarter



Venus Rising

I really think so too :) I have my fingers crossed for them, but I have a feeling they're not going to reach their goal. :( I haven't seen anyone talking about them here, which is too bad. There are only 16 days left, and they're only at 31% funded.

To get the book and deck, it's $60CAD (approx $45USD) which is a bit high I suppose, but I don't mind paying that for a lovely deck :) I wonder what the cardstock will be like? They mention they are still looking at printing options.

I just found the link on his updates which cycles through all of the cards. I'd been looking at his updates to see each card as they were released. http://tarotsoleil.com/the-book.html

Here's a blurb from his site, which I found interesting:

"The card interpretations borrow from the tapestry of Thoth & the Golden Dawn, as well as the western tradition of Astrology as written by Professional Astrologer Tamara Sophia. Each card offers a physical description, an astrological delineation, and a straightforward interpretation for users at any level of experience. As well, for greater accuracy, dates are linked to every card, according to their astrological signature."


The pledge seems to include postage ANYWHERE ! which knocks the price down a lot.

Venus Rising

Ok, that's what I thought too, but I wasn't sure if I was interpreting that correctly, Gregory. If shipping IS included, indeed that really does help with the price. :)


Well - I went to back it, to see how bad the postage would be - and - it never came up, just the amount of the pledge, so I backed. If it is added later I'm screwed, but I don't think that can happen.....


gregory tnx for pointing that up!:))

and Venus tnx4link!^^ beautiful deck! hope it get full founded!^^:))

Venus Rising

My pleasure :) I hope so too! :)