Whats important in a tarot collection


I think there is a difference between a collector's mentality and an investors mentality! For example, I don't expect to ever make money off my collection but I am drawn to LE, to small press, to rare or OOP. It's not because they might be worth money or because I'm a completionist, it's just...I guess the desire to possess things that are rare and beautiful. Except not in a creepy way, because that sounds kind of creepy. :laugh: I am drawn to anything that has exceptional work and love put it into; something that is quality, personal, with thought put into every element of the creation, including the packaging. There are certainly mass market decks that fit into that category though, and I buy them as well! I think the more you collect, the more you find the areas of Tarot you're drawn to. IMO there is nothing wrong with collecting for collecting's sake. You don't have to love every single deck. I know this is not a universal opinion though. :) I even have some decks that I don't care much for, but because I am very interested in the history of Tarot (including contemporary) that if it's popular or influential enough, i like to have a copy.


As far as collecting the antiques - I would make sure I was using reputable dealers. There are a lot of fake decks out there. And folks who claim the decks they are selling are oop (out of print) or (in some cases) vintage when they are still available.

Now - that's not to say that there aren't vintage copies of decks that have been around a long time. But it pays to do your homework.

And, as others have said, tarot cards aren't really something to collect for investment. That 500.00 out of print deck you got as a steal on e-bay could be re-printed tomorrow. :p

(With some exceptions, but still...)

So, like I said, I collect what I like. Like vee stated above, I am drawn to small press, limited edition and out of print stuff because I think it's awesome to own pieces of art that are unique and a little out of the ordinary - but collecting them for investment is not me.

As DH always says, "It's not like you're going to sell them anyway." Heh.