Skeptics Partners or other loved ones


Well, there are all kinds of couples. I once knew a couple who were very happy together... as long as one of them was lead on a leash like a dog. })

People just make it work. :)

Just a pet peeve of mine... "disinterested" means neutral, as in not being invested in an outcome. A judge, for example, must be disinterested. A lack of interest is "uninterested."

I didn't realise we had pedantic grammar police on site.

Perhaps I should have said "disinterested in Tarot", though no doubt you would have pulled that up, as strictly speaking I believe being disinterested in something should mean they were initially interested, but for some reason, are no longer interested, even though it is commonly used to refer to generally not interested in the broader sense.

I don't have a problem with "disinterested" unless the meaning is ambiguous, which in this case, I don't believe it is. In actual fact, disinterested was originally used to mean "showing no interest or concern" more so than "unbiased, objective or unprejudiced". It is only more recent times that it has been favoured to be used more strictly in the legal sense.

To me it has a better ring to it and flows more smoothly. I would rather say "I am disinterested in this conversation", than "I am uninterested in this conversation", as I personally think it flows better.

Personal choice is a marvellous thing.

I will however, endeavour to ensure I use the correct word to reflect the relevant meaning in the event its usage is necessary before a court of law.


I would rather say "I am disinterested in this conversation", than "I am uninterested in this conversation", as I personally think it flows better.

Really ? I have NEVER had anyone say they were disinterested to me !

Its usually 'not interested' or 'uninterested' or just ' #x*! off ' ... (dont say that in court).


"Septical partners or loved ones"

Sometimes fences actually do make for good neighbours...
Very often, though, people can't reach common ground because they just can't. In those cases, you don't really need to share or even include them, as different people have different views and that's that. He probably has interests, hobbies or habits that you may not see any point in, but they make him happy and you respect that. He doesn't have to like Tarot or even respect it. In fact he is "allowed" to think it utter nonsense, as long as he respects you and your interest in it.

I think the important thing is not to fall to labeling. You said, for example, that he was closed-minded, while he probably doesn't think that about himself. Conversely, if you think of yourself as open-minded, try seeing his point of view. Communication is the most important thing, beyond any disagreement about any specific thing.

Agreed. And rather nicely put.

My partner goes with the "it's all a scam to make money" and the "that could be evil or fluffy fairy talk for people who find it hard to cope with reality" kind of reactions about my Tarot practice and indeed all my other esoteric dabbling.
Over the years I've come to understand that these are due to his deeply ingrained (an unconscious in some cases) religious beliefs/fear that such things might be 'evil' or 'dangerous' to the practitioner because those practitioners used to get burned-at-the-stake for it.
(eventually I found out why he was so paranoid about me using candles... it's because when he was a child, he nearly set the whole house on fire, playing with candles. A 'shameful secret' that he'd never told anybody).

Once, I remember, when he saw one of my oracle cards which depicted a Welsh deity in a light that he found 'disgusting' - he threatened to burn them. I was surprised that he felt upset to this degree. I hid them from him after that for a while, and then over the years very slowly, I have just constantly presented, explained, displayed my view of the esoteric to inure him against such wild reactions which are obviously the result of some personal deep-seated thing. Sometimes - I'll share what I'm up to. And sometimes I won't - depending on how much of a 'burden' I deem it may be for him to process it.

...People worry and fear stuff they don't understand. Ease them in gently. Do NOT lend them your copy of Book of Thoth yet ;)

Haha. Yes.

Oh - and Oops! Just realised I made a typo and so there we have "Septical" partners (the mind could make interesting connections here...:) ).
And thanks to the grammar police closrapexa - for pointing out the usage of disinterested vs. uninterested,
which I looked up.
I hadn't quite realised the difference.


I didn't realise we had pedantic grammar police on site.
Well we do. I'm with closrapexa. The more words are misused the more subtleties of meaning get are lost for ever :(
Perhaps I should have said "disinterested in Tarot", though no doubt you would have pulled that up, as strictly speaking I believe being disinterested in something should mean they were initially interested, but for some reason, are no longer interested, even though it is commonly used to refer to generally not interested in the broader sense.
Well sadly your thought isn't the way it is...:)

I don't have a problem with "disinterested" unless the meaning is ambiguous, which in this case, I don't believe it is.
If you say you are disinterested in a conversation, it means you aren't about to take sides, no matter how fascinated you are. Not at all the same as uninterested which means plain bored.
To me it has a better ring to it and flows more smoothly. I would rather say "I am disinterested in this conversation", than "I am uninterested in this conversation", as I personally think it flows better.
It may flow better to your ears but it totally grates on mine. So I am glad you say you will be more careful of us grammar police. I am indeed an unashamed pedant. Language is very important to me!

Luckily this is not an area where my SO finds himself to be a sceptic in terms of my beliefs!


My husband is by nature a skeptic (yes, that's the way we spell it in the US), but he's also a history buff, and a real sponge for miscellaneous knowledge; and seeing that I and several friends were into divination, he learned a lot just by hanging around with us. His skepticism on this subject abated, and he eventually developed a divination technique of his own using stones. He would like to learn runes (and one day he will, when he can pin down either me or our friend/my mentor), I think mainly because of its folkloric connections; and he understands just enough Tarot to recognize when he sees some reference in the media or outside, and I can share some of my insights on deck comparisons with him. I don't do it often, though, because he's not THAT interested!

His usual reply to me, though, when I broach the subject of some new expense or activity: "Will it make you happy?"

And he often encourages me to come out of my stage-fright shell and read more often for people. He knows several people in his family would appreciate it.


Hmmm ... I think I see where I am going wrong. no wonder my relationships dont last. My ex wanted to start doing tarot so we did sessions on it twice a week, and at other times. After a while she wanted to do readings at the market, so I Made her a fold up table, painted it with gloss ( 5 coats with sanding), and a matching chair. I used to mind the kids when she did it.

Next one I will act all scared and domineering about it .... stay tuned for the results !


[Humpty Dumpty:] ... "and that shows that there are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents----"

"Certainly," said Alice.

"And only one for birthday presents, you know. There's glory for you!".

"I don't know what you mean by 'glory'," Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't --- till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!'"

"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument,'" Alice objected.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean --- neither more nor less."

Next one I will act all scared and domineering about it .... stay tuned for the results !


"Skeptic partners and loved ones"

Hmmm ... I think I see where I am going wrong. no wonder my relationships don't last...Next one, I will act all scared and domineering about it .... stay tuned for the results !

My partner is convinced that women generally like 'badly behaved' men.
And moans that he doesn't have it in him to be one. Though ofcourse if he were - I'd never have opted for being with him in the 1st place - silly goose!

Ravenest's new girlfriend : "No I don't like all that martial arts stuff you do ... but, here is your Christmas present. "

Sh**!!! <jaw hanging open with tongue out> Which Goddess is gonna 'unmiser' my partner - and give him a bit more imagination so I can get gifts like that please?
:) :) :)


Sh**!!! <jaw hanging open with tongue out> Which Goddess is gonna 'unmiser' my partner - and give him a bit more imagination so I can get gifts like that please?
:) :) :)

LOL, I assumed it was a paper knife, not full-sized! Which is it, ravenest?

My ex had a load of swords that were all paper knives, and the one he'd always had a real yen for, above all others, was the Samurai kind.

Pun intentional. })