Survey: Tarot and Birth Order

Where in your family do you fit?

  • first born

    Votes: 85 49.1%
  • second born

    Votes: 42 24.3%
  • third born

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • other (including different position in split family)

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • only child

    Votes: 22 12.7%

  • Total voters


Female, oldest child, two younger brothers with no interest in Tarot to the best of my knowledge (we don't keep in touch).


Odd one out

I am female, the oldest of two and a Libra. My younger brother is an engineer and has "lost" his empathetic nervous system.........he sees my interests as out of the mainstream.

Lady Orchard

so far a predominance of eldest or onlys (who display lots of eldest traits)....interesting....

le fey

Eldest child here, too.


Eldest of two girls here too :)


I'm a female younger of two children. My brother, however, is eight years older than I am, which I've been told makes me psychologically more of an only child.

My parents are both remarried, so I have plenty of step-sibs, some around my age, some much older.


I am the youngest. Only female with 4 older brothers who despite film/t.v misleading views-did not spoil nor protect me! In fact they were a total pain!! (still are most of the time-lol)


Female, only-child


I am the big sister of 5, 2 brothers and two sisters
Just a note to say that I read somewhere that whenever you have 5 years difference with your sibbling, the situation gives the attribute of an only child or of the oldest, to that person...I don't know if I am readable...I just woke english feels rusty...hehe...sorry...



Female, eldest of three, and a Libra. There's an 18 month age gap between me and my younger brother, and 5 years between me and my younger sister. The brother is generally uninterested in anything remotely spiritual, the sister is impressionable but definitely interested in tarot.