Question for those of you in Metaphysical related careers


I would like to know if you went to college and what did you major in?

I am currently looking to further my education and I really would like to do something in the metaphysical field such as spiritual healing or teaching meditation and spiritual know something like that. However I dont know what to study in school.

So advice would be much appreciated...thanks :)


jmd said:
Being located in the USA, you may be interested to check out the School of Spiritual Psychology.

I have read - and heard - Robert Sardello, and is very good.

Too bad the school is nowhere near me and I cant go out of

However I was thinking of psychology or theology. I noticed that all the healers at my local metaphysical center have a degree in one of those subjects, and I love psychology!

Or do you think sociology would be fitting?


A person who may or may not have a degree in Theology - if it is genuine (I can always forward you spam I at times get where you can buy one of these, unfortunately!) - is no more qualified to teach meditation than a person who has taken yoga classes for a number of years.

In terms of your own study, I would encourage you to enroll in a course for which the subject matter seems to appeal. You may be quite disappointed at first as you begin the course, for it may lead in directions quite unexpected. But to study is also to undertake the arduous tasks of discerning what others have said in the area.

Whether it be sociology (if that is what interests you), anthropology (another related subject which I would personally find more interesting, psychology or indeed, theology, can each be very useful and stimulating.

Not only is the subject more deeply learned, but the skills of learning in particular ways are also developed with the assistance of the formality of a course structure.

The link I gave above, by the way, also has a correspondence course.


I agree with JMD but one subject I studied at university level without majoring in it was the Philosophy of Religious Experience. This covered everything from the history of religions and mysticism to the nature of belief and the unknown.

It was great subject and at that time one could major in it. Not even sure whether you could do it where you are, but it was a wonderful subject for someone exploring spiritualty.


Most of the psychics around here have a degree in Counseling. I guess it's the most use you can get out of a BA in Psychology :)
If you are going for healing, search the internet to see if there are healing schools near you, or even on-line courses you can take.
Or, you can tell orthodoxy to shove it and just do what you do, and call it spiritual, and don't have a "degree" in anything.