Tarot and Nudity


Makes sense, Inthetree

Different decks speak to us for different reasons, and some of those are memories of times past or trends in the present! I have to admit I'm not a big manga/anime fan although I've seen some decks that were really well done.


I think it's a very personal speech .

That means that people can " not like "
another person can find " normal"

I do not think that there are "right " I "wrong " .


Nudity per se doesn't bother me for myself, unless it's in a very distracting context, which is why I want no erotic decks. But it does bother me if I'm planning to read for others! I'd be careful of which decks I'd use in a mixed venue (like a renfair); even the very few nudes in something like the Morgan Greer make me wonder if someone will get offended. I'm very big on covering my back!