Sabian Symbols Study Group: Virgo 6 - #156


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: VIRGO
Degree: 6
Number: 156



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Ohh how I loved the merry go round as a child. And I still do! The swirl of colors and the music is mesmerizing as we go round and round, up and down. For a couple of minutes we lose all shapes and forms…….it’s like entering a different dimension. If someone in front tried to talk to you, the words would fly by so quickly you couldn’t understand them. It is on our painted horse we can have fun and let our imagination fly.

My parents would be waiting for me when the ride was over and flushed with excitement, I’d run up to them and breathlessly say ‘can I do it again’. But after a couple of times, the thrill, the excitement started to wear off.
Everything just seemed to be repeating itself over and over again. It was if I returned to where I always was…and….I realized I was missing out on all the other rides. Sometimes, depending on the merry go round, I’d get off feeling dizzy and even a bit disoriented. My brain would scramble to maintain my balance that was running like a mouse on its exercise wheel.

There are days our minds spin around, in a big circle only to find ourselves right where we began. Or we’re so busy cataloguing and intellectualizing everything, we need something like a merry go round to free our rigid minds. It is our nature to contemplate, analyze, process and classify things over and over again. Change definitely can frighten us and take us out of our comfort zone. Without our minds to guide us we feel emotionally insecure and even powerless. But when the dust settles we have the ability to rethink and re-examine what we thought would never change.

This symbol could be telling us to pay attention and bring together our internal and external worlds which in turn would nurture and awaken the Divine spark (Child) within us all. Not only would our thoughts and feelings connect, but we would feel the enthusiasm for life!

On the down side it could be where we break off all connections with reality, where we are entirely filled only with ourselves……a state known as narcissism?

tink :love:


Hi tink,

I can't say that I particularly enjoyed riding on the merry-go-round but I will say I alwayd did, and still do, enjoy watching them. Any fairground ride for that matter - especially at night, when the stars are out and the amusement lights summon you to come nearer. I could sit for hours just watching people in the queue, on the ride, and getting off the ride. Especially those roller coasters. I also really love to watch the Ferris Wheel at night.

I remember seeing some merry-go-round horses up for sale at a second-hand shop and I thought at the time how wonderful to buy a couple and suspend them from your ceiling in your loungeroom. I did ask the vendor how much they were and he told me that I couldn't afford them! Don't know why he was so quick to judge me.....was it something I was wearing?

I always thought it would be good to have one of those children's rides (like you see at shopping centres) at home too.....ah, do we ever grow tired of these things?

with love


Again here is a half comment, I want to add more about what you have both written above - I appreciate these insights!

IN my experience people who have this in their chart (more than once) have 'addictions' - so its like the desire for 'fun' and also having a hard time getting off the 'merry-go-round' (addiction) - and that 'dizzy' (drunk??) feeling too.. like some one else is in control.. these people are good people with a 'problem', I have also noticed they dont mind betting on the horses - running around the track I suppose....

but then again 2 teachers I know have this prominent and they are just filled with FUN :) they dont grow up so fast teaching kindergarten :)



Virgo 6
Birthdays: August 28th–30th
Numerology: 156
Sabian Symbol: A merry-go-round
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Diversion
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Descending colon
Crystal Element: Cassiterite
Expression: Cassiterite is a tin oxide mineral. Cassiterite promotes enjoyment and optimism in group situations, acting as a shield of protection.
Message: It is child’s play, an escapade, innocence giving birth to great wisdom.
Sun Focus: You support the soul’s journey through creating and supporting wonder and excitement.
Affirmation: My life is filled with joy, merriment and delight.