Sabian Symbols Study Group: Aries Degree 14 - #14


Since I've started re-reading through Aries today, I came upon this in Aries 8

Mooncat2 said:
Agree with tink that the images take you deeper into the the hands work its like a meditation and the mind floats free making all sorts of associations.Surely its no different than writing about tarot or oracle cards.........just the other way around
WOW ...... doesn't this just TOTALLY fit in with the image you posted ....... she's lying there getting her head massaged ....... hands working on her mind ....... there's something here I can sense, but I just can't get/express!!!


OK, so some musings on the title & card number:

Temperance, Magician and Emperor ……. The title makes me think of the Devil not Temperance. Air and Fire …….. Create fire ……. So here the fire is all consuming, eating up the inner air, the inner mental thought processes.

Title ……. An instinctive reaction, protection and defence …. Snakes can be dangerous …. Coiling …. Hmmm is it ready to strike or just about to nestle down?

Instant thoughts obviously same as everyone else on the Garden of Eden theme, Adam and Eve, snake and apple etc.

Yet when I link in the word of *revelation* I get a different image in my head ……. Kinda like a couple going about their business …… walking ….. Unaware of the dangers lurking in the undergrowth.

Snake - wisdom, transformation and/or rebirth through shedding its skin …….. Movement denoted … a transitional period?

Snakes swallow their prey whole ….. Have you ever seen a picture of a huge south american anaconda swallowing a human? It's scary!! As the prey is swallowed it moves down the throat ….. And since (I believe) snakes have no teeth …. Their muscles contract which breaks the prey down as it moves through the body … so here a possible link to the breaking down of our structure … our thought and belief patterns?

Also our external bodies ……. Shedding what is no longer needed ……. I see a link here to the human's spiritual changes and the snake because very often when we go through *change* that will manifest physically ….. Be it skin break-outs, eczema, psoriasis ….. And we also shed a percentage of our skin daily.

Another thought at the image of being swallowed, *being absorbed into the whole*, the moving to another level as denoted by Aries 5 (1+4=5).

Also, kundalini energy ….. The universal life force .. As it coils and moves around our physical bodies and energy fields …… does it swallow our blockages whole ….. Disgorging the parts we have no use for (as in lessons learnt or to be learned)?

Revelation … a striking insight perhaps .. Like when a snake attacks with lightening speed?


Hi Huredriel,

You've done a lot of research here! So many different aspects can definitely be applied to the snake. I'd love to look at what you've written piece by piece but at the moment I haven't the time.

The snake in regard to Adam and Eve.....represented freedom and changes from restricted growth.....of transforming ourselves in order to experience ourselves.

The snake could well be an unexpected interruption where we leave behind the land of our birth (the womb) where we prepare ourselves to go forth and create something of ourselves.

On a positive note, Snake tells us that many of our restrictions can be eliminated or avoided by analyzing an apparent problem and changing your reaction to it. Changing one's point of view says Snake can seem like hard work.....but this work simply means to recognize our own stubbornness, open our minds, and accept the fact that other ways of 'doing' do exist. Many of your limitations says Snake are the direct result of your own inflexible beliefs and attitudes.

Snake's are forever changing, altering, fixing.....definitely a considerable amount of activity is seen here. Snake represents the labrynth (sinuous curves) of tradedy and of blessings.....and all this created by the mere act of experiencing and expressing who and what we are.

When we gaze into the snake's stare, it's as if we become hypnotized, we forget our fears and our doubts that have locked out our thoughts and feelings.......thoughts and feelings that have been locked up for such a long time we forget they were there!

I will have to share my thoughts with you later.......ssssssssssssays the snake.

tink :love:


huredriel said:
Also our external bodies ……. Shedding what is no longer needed ……. I see a link here to the human's spiritual changes and the snake because very often when we go through *change* that will manifest physically ….. Be it skin break-outs, eczema, psoriasis ….. And we also shed a percentage of our skin daily.

eczema and psoriasis are 1st chakra issues......what I know of these ailments, they do not represent change, but just the opposite. Most often then not, people with psoriasis are under a great deal of stress. In many cases, it is the third chakra (solar plexus, emotional factors) that affects our base chakra and could manifest out as a skin dis-ease.

Snakes can be dangerous

Is this what we believe or what we have been told? When I was growing up, our house backed onto a large field.....I used to catch snakes and bring them home.

Also, kundalini energy ….. The universal life force .. As it coils and moves around our physical bodies and energy fields ……[/quote

and...the blood rushes to head, fire fills our brain!

This is a fascinating site on the 'secret fire'

Saint-Germain and the Most Holy Three-Fold Wisdom
The idea of Secret Fire in initiatic psycho-alchemical texts such as The Most Holy Trinsophia (Three Fold Wisdom)[7] illustrate the point of hidden fire, associated with volcanic power, and under the influence of Venus. Works such as this bear a strong resemblance to alchemical-kabbalistic texts, and either use mystical symbolism of these esoteric schools, or such symbols are used to interpret the texts meaning.

In the text, Saint-Germian reportedly recounts the details of his initiation through the twelve degrees of Cosmic Consciousness. The use of earthly fire in the form of volcanic eruptions, lava, and seas of flame symbolize the presence of an underlying matrix of living energy that pervades material and non-material creation, uniting and constantly renewing it through what can be seen as violent activity.

La Tres Sainte Trinsophie is comprised of twelve sections, each with its own illustration. The most obvious alignment that can be seen, is between the twelve sections, the zodiac, and the stages of alchemy. It can also be suggested, for our considerations, the seven major and five minor psychic centers.

The story begins with Saint-Germain on the lava beds of Vesuvius, later he passes an alter on which is a cup, with a winger serpent intertwined around it twelve times. Saint-Germain then enters into a vast realm of fire, in the midst of which is a greenish-gold serpent with ruby eyes which he must dominate with a sword, the symbol of an enlightened will. With this act, anger, hate, and pride are cast out of his consciousness, and the senses are brought under direction.

tink :love:


LOL I personally think of snakes as dangerous due to not wanting to be bitten by them ...... although obviously a lot of people like them ....... just the way that they slither and are so quiet ....... is dis-quieting to me.

Interesting about the psoriasis/eczema ....... because I have this and am not really under any stress at all ........ although I do believe I am undergoing an inner *change*. 1st chakra issues ....... I wonder if perhaps that could be because the change also incorporates a fundamental shift of belief in one's own stability, confidence (3rd chakra) ...... roots ....... growing into one's own maybe?


Realised today that the word serpent can be changed to *repents* ..... not sure why, but it feels relevant :confused: