Elemental Yes And No


Thank you LadyBlackRose for posting this spread. I tried it out today and it worked very well.
Many thanks,
Sophie xx


Thank you!! I liked it a lot.


hi! did you actually made this reading layout? is it really advisable to create layouts by yourself? I will try your reading if it will work. ty!


Elemental Yes or No

I read about this the other day
tried several questions always stating that I was doing an "elemental" yes or no spread for (the following question)...for some reason almost every throw I did was full of major card or court cards in positions 2, 3, 4 and position 1 the situation or the advice would be the air/fire water/earth....somehow I felt WAS I DOING THIS WRONG?
I made sure NOT to ask the same question more than once (was tempting since I didnt get a yes or a no!)
other than the fact it appeared I needed to KNOW the obstacle....it was frustrating that I couldnt get a clear answer
any suggestions?

Indigo Rose

LadyBlackRose said:
When you sat down to do the spread, you were concentraiting on doing it with the elements. So I would probably say it is a no. But if you were thinking about going with what the cards tells you in positions 2, 3, and 4 then it would probably be that you will get together with the person (6/c) and that it will be successful(10/c) and there will be happiness(4/w). I am not sure what you had really set in mind when you did the spread. If you were concentraiting more on what the elements would be or by your own intuition. So with this, I would have to tell you to probably go with your very own heart. What it tells you. Maybe do another reading to clairify the cards from this one. And set in your mind which way you plan to read the cards.

Blessed Be,

Thank you for this explanation. I have used this spread with great success, but do run into glitches like the one you are addressing here. Sometimes I get a yes or no answer(based solely on the requirements of the spread), but what the cards are really showing is I need to look at the matter in deeper terms...beyond just yes/no. This is when I usually take the Advice card out of the spread and do a mini-reading on that card to explore the deeper meaning.



Thank you very much for this spread. It's EXACTLY what I needed today and it is working marvelously.

Like the pp said, it's also interesting to go beyond the elements and seeking the deeper meaning. Very interesting. Again, thank you.


thanks so much for this spread it worked amazingly for me to!!!!!!
blessed be


I love this spread. I think that it is the most useful spread I have come across. It is very addicting indeed!



LadyBlackRose said:
I like to use this spread alot when I need to ask questions for a specific yes or no answer. It works well for me. I only hope that it will do the same for all of you. Enjoy the spread.


1: The situation.
2: >
>>>Two air or fire = Yes
3:>>Two water or earth = No
>>>Card not air or fire is obstacle
4: >
5: Advice to situation.

Oh and a little note, I've had some cards at times that have come up all major acarna cards for card positions 2,3, and 4. That would be a no answer and is giving you advise on your obstacle or what your obstacle is.

Blessed Be

intresting spread i must say,it took me a long while to understand the layout and the meaning of the position...But i have a question, you said that the cards in position 2,3,4 are the answers for a yes or no...so this is my question so if i got cards not air or fire on the 2,3,4 position which will be a no,so the two water or earth card will also address the obsticle? oh yes just to let you know that i havent tried the spread myself....so i hope you give me an answer to my question and that iam a beginner at this tarot....


I must say, the one thing that bothers me the most about this spread is that earth and water are always NO and fire and air are YES.

Especially when getting a no answer, you would want to look at the cards in the spread to get a sense of what obstacles you will need to face.

So since wands and swords are YES, they will more often appear as positive aspects of the situation, and not often be read as obstacles (unless there is only one of these and the other two are a mix of water/earth).

The reason that bugs me is because Swords is the suit that most represents problems. It has more negative and unstable situations than any other suit, being the shifting, airy element that it is (at least in RW and many other decks).

In that respect I would expect Swords to be more of a NO card than a YES card, so that if the answer is NO, you are seeing the problems that might lie beneath the situation.

I suppose the other suits deal with difficult situations a lot too, but it just seems odd to me to have two suits set as yes and two as no.

I read a reply to this thread where somebody said that they were asking about a relationship and got very positive, emotionally oriented Cup cards, but was confused because cups means NO.

That seemed very confusing to me too. I would read that as a total yes, but the fact that this spread sets the YES/NO suits permanently disagrees with that.

I guess I have no solution to offer to that, and otherwise I find the spread intriguing, but I doubt I will use it because I feel that it adresses the suits rather strangely and restrictively.

It's good that many people are finding it useful though. To each his own (spread). :p